Hello...I am a 68 yr old male who is relatively fit and excercise daily. However I have always been a poor sleeper but at the moment things are getting crazy. I am just coming off a 6 year episode of investigations and tests for heart palpitations which only happen at night when I am trying to sleep. As part of the heart investigations I had a couple of sleep studies which all came to nothing.
My cardio consultant has now signed me off saying that my palpitations are not really a heart problem but rather a symtom of something else going on......he suggested another bloody sleep study !
This has just given me more anxaiety and the feeling of reaching a dead end. Hence my sleep is now shot to pieces and I am getting around 3-4 hours a night....and still the palpitations.
So my question is what will happen to my body with sleep deprivation and insomnia ? How can I break the circle ? I know I can always take sleeping pills but that is not a route that I want to go down right now. Thanks for reading.