Can some onr recommend a GP or sprcialist for testing/diagnosis in Perth WA hills or south or east? Does the lupis test work for diagnosing Sjogren's? My GP did a full blood count & lupis test & said not Sjogren's but I'm not convinced. Thank you
A Dr to test for Sjogrens in Perth WA? - The Australian Sj...
A Dr to test for Sjogrens in Perth WA?

I live in N.Z. and my blood tests did not show up Lupis or SS of which I have both I was finally diagnosed by a Rheumatologist could be worth a try.
Lupus tests are usually ANA which can be positive - high and different appearances ( Speckled, rimmed, etc. and anti ds DNA is test that verifies Lupus - but it can also be a false positive - which was my problem for 11 years I was told o had Lupus - when in fact I have Sjogrens which still was a high ANA test for me BUT my Rheumy had a Lip Biopsy done to confirm for Sjogrens. I also have negative results in my blood tests for Sjogrens and I am negative for La or Ro for Photosensitivity BUT I have it big time !!! I am also negative for RA Factor but have it BUT my sed rate and other tests are high enough to qualify for a Study Drug for the past 6 years which is now available at drug stores ( Xeljanz ). I take 2X's the FDA approved amount of 10 Mg. as part of a continued long term study for safety and efficiency. The Lip Biopsy is a difinite for Sjorgrens as far as I know - slightly annoying test - BUT accurate DX results in about 3 weeks time. My Best to You - Diane 😃
DR Tafere Berhane is a specialist working in Nedlands, Mandurah and Greenwood. But you will need a referral from you GP to see him.
I used to live in Greenwood by the Taven Then I moved to Duncriag