Hi, I've been having pain in my lower back for a while now, the pain can get quite intense i've been in hospital a couple of times recently which can get tiring, i've been using heat and medication but it doesn't seem to be working, i'm not sure if i should go into hospital again but this pain doesn't seem to be getting better, any ideas on what to do?
Sickle Cell lower back pain - Living with Sickl...
Sickle Cell lower back pain
Dear delectablydopecrown, hopefully you're feeling better. Be persistent in having your doctor's find out what the true back issue is. If it's bone pain related to SCD, it may release some of your feelings of not knowing the real source of your back issue. Prayerfully Yours.
Living Life
Hi I am so sorry to hear that your are in so much pain and the medication is not working. Sickle cell pain is awful and if your pain medication is ineffective then you need to see a haematologist to give you stronger medication to deal with the pain. Also you may have to go into hospital to get IV fluids and strong pain medication. Remember to rest, keep hydrated and stay warm I hope you feel better soon. Good luck
I'm sorry to hear this. How long has your pain being going on? My sickle cell crisis can last for weeks at a time. Are you able to walk when you have pain like this? I like to walk around me house to get the blood flowing and that helps a little. My hemoc Dr also prescribes me a med much stronger than Tylenol or Motrin such a Norco or Vicodin. Those help but I don't really like taking too many pills so I use marijuana edibles which works great. Also drink things with electrolytes like smart water, propel, Gatorade, Pedialyte ect. And stay warm, not too warm, and keep applying heat.