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Would love to hear your thoughts! - SHARE Uterine Can...
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Great questions and would love to hear what you all think PEG12X12 Kibb AmyPhilly Happy0313 Marathon-2015 Embeth BuildCommunity survivor2009 Qi-gong Michellear LivestrongSurvivor DianaPrince303 Kathy_SHARE Supermary EAR1957
Very interested in learning more about what is known re the currently approved COVID 19 vaccines and people currently undergoing chemo. Thank you!
Great question One would ask why do we hear so little about this on the news or in the paper
Well speaking for myself I know 4 people who have gotten vaccinated
One is a six year cancer survivor over 75 and got does one of the Pfeizer vaccine
My hospital MSK is not so happy in politically charged NY they only received 3000 vaccine doses for their staff of 21,000 to date
Learned this yesterday
No patients given it yet
Seems teachers And grocery clerks are more of a priority in NY then cancer patients
I myself can qualify for the vaccine due to my job in Public safety support ( not cancer) Sooo
I reached out via email to my oncologist yesterday to learn her thoughts
She had mentioned last week she wanted me to have the vaccine even though I had COVID n April 2020
Additionally she didn’t think patients at MSK were getting the vaccine until the Spring
It’s a mess here with vaccine distribution hope where you are is better
I will keep you posted on what she says to me getting the vaccine outside of the MSK environment and the brand
AmyPhilly Thanks for the suggestion! We are actually in the midst of trying to schedule a webinar on this topic (hopefully by mid-February) and will be sure to post information on this page once we have a date.
I am due to start Chemo,[ after hysterectomy as thought I was at stage 1/2 - had MRi and said it was contained. But it wasnt, as had 9 nodes (told 2, but letter to oncology stated 9) 1 was a 3.3mm cancerous - so now stage 3. ] My oncology consultant has recommended I have COVID vac first. Just had Astro, my neck glands have come up and I am getting odd pains in chest and back, but other than that, I feel fine. Due my next in 4 weeks, rushing me through, then my chemo should start, so will keep you posted.
Hi All! Please click the link to register and for more information about SHARE's webinar on what cancer patients need to know about COVID-19 vaccines.
What kinds of treatment and to hear others story with recurrent uterine/endometrial cancer
It is incredibly upsetting to me that I don’t see anyone here who is terminal. I am scared and alone. Is there another agency that I can reach out to with terminal high grade serous endometrial cancer patients? I am desperate for support and have been unable to find a match. I am not a survivor. I am dying. Please help me. Thanks
Blessings, cat 312
Hi Cats,
We are here to support you at any stage. You are reacting out and we are here. I am recurrent and don’t know what is next if chemo doesn’t knock it out completely.
Have you gone for a second opinion?
Have you asked about different trials. I can’t tell you about the real life stories where people were told this is it and found other options.
I want to make sure you have done that!
Terminal, - how have you decided to work through this ?
There is palliative care, which is not hospice.
Decide how you want to work through this since you are now in control.
But get that second opinion and let us know how it goes.
Sweetie, options were explored and I decided against treatment for a number of rational reasons. I currently don’t know how long I have left. My fiancé, the only man who ever truly loved me, died suddenly over a year ago and I found his body. We didn’t live together. My cancer diagnosis came 5 months after his death. My family is in another state, the neighbors keep to themselves and due to COVID no one was out there for transportation or to be with me while I am alone with unknown side effects. My dr was quite clear that it comes back no matter what. I am a retired social worker and researched my buns off. It had already spread to my lungs and liver very quickly. So, I will be seeing my love in heaven when God takes me home. I’m scared and alone except for hospice and my family in Ga. I truly appreciate your kindness.