Finally after two months of waiting for her to get healthy enough for chemo, my mil has had her first round of chemo today. Any advice as to how to support her after her first treatment would be helpful.
MIL made it to first round of chemo - SHARE Ovarian Can...
MIL made it to first round of chemo

Just be there for her. You don't have to say anything. Make sure she takes her medication for nausea and pain.
Usually shortly after starting chemo, they will start to give immune boost shot, the day of shot take claritan, no D, for 5 days helps with joint aches. Also drink lots of water. Keeps one from getting nauseous. Also, get anti anxiety meds,nausea combo med, at first sign of feeling not quite right take pill, keeps one from getting sick. If you wait to long, too late. Best wishes for no issues.❤❤❤Liz
You stay positive for her, she will get her strength from seeing you being strong and positive. She will have good and bad days but the bad doesn’t last long. On her good days take her to new places to eat. To the parks just to get out of house. If you have small children she will enjoy watching them play. Praying for you and your MIL God Bless you both! 🙏 oh if she gets a little upset at stomach buy fresh buttermilk for her to drink. (if she likes buttermilk) it helped calm my stomach down.
What type of chemo is she taking?