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I would like to know more about reading blood test results and when we should be really concerned and not to just panic when a reading goes high or low.
I would also like to know more about reading Foundation One genome test results.
I have yet to be able to sit down with a doctor to really discuss my results. I want to understand when the results from this report become critical in choosing treatment options and what certain mutations tell us. How is this report really useful?
Any thoughts on preventing recurrence of ovarian cancer. I eat a balanced diet, exercise, avoid sugar, try to eat more organic.
2 physicians have advised hormone therapy for me (Megace/Provera), and 2 physicians have advised against it. One says it is clearly indicated (gyn onc) and another one (also gyn onc) says it is not part of national cancer treatment guidelines. Confusion??!! As of 6/2018, Grade I Stage IIIA endometrial cancer. Surgery, then accepted 3 chemo treatments with Taxol and carboplatin.
I would love to hear more/have more in depth discussions on surgical complications. The disease as ugly and awful as it is and can be is not the only challenge
I would love to hear more specifics on Supplements. For example, we all hear taking Tumeric is beneficial but what dosage? How often? Also, Quercitin, Mushroom, Ashwaghanda...and any others that are found to be helpful in Ovarian Ca. Thank you, Nadie2018