I have been on Ibrance and Letrozole with Zometa infusion every three months for 5 years. This last month I started having a mild pain under my breast , when I burp it goes away. The pain Is not constant and does not hurt unless the gas is building up. My question is could this be a reaction to one of the medications?! (Also did not get this until I made my PET scan appointment, still waiting to hear from the oncologist when she gets back in a week) Thank you
Pain under non tumor breast - SHARE Metastatic ...
Pain under non tumor breast

I’m on Ibrance and letrozole almost 4 years. I hope your pain subsides and your onc can find the cause and can make you feel well again.
I had shooting pain last week in the same area but radiated to the back muscles. I think my pain was a result of a pulled muscle. I was weeding the garden and was using muscles I haven’t used in a while. The pain was intense when I moved a certain way on the second day but thankfully slowly went away after a week.
Feel better and I hope you get answers soon.
All the best,
I'm on Ibrance and letrozole and can understand how pain like that can make you feel anxious. I don't know how old you are but as a young 64yr old, I do get pains that are usually muscular or tendon related due to the many household maintenance or gardening jobs I get up to. Some pain spots have worried me for weeks then disappeared. Waiting for scan results or even going to see the oncologist makes me very uneasy! Hang in there and just don't think about it until you're sitting in front of your doctor - that's an order! Ok? 😉
Good luck with results of your scan!
If I were in your shoes, I would call my onc's nurse and ask her to read the scan report. I think most of us will have "better" onc appts if we get test results ahead of time so wehave time to get past emotional responses if there are signs of progression! But what I have always been told by med staff is that pain from cancer is constant. Also, getting five years from Letrozole is very promising! Some of us with E+ cancer do really well for a long time. I've known (personally, face to face!) several women who have gotten longer from Faslodex after doing well on one of the non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors, like Letrozole. I got nearly five years from Letrozole myself and then over 9 years on Faslodex. I'm at 18 years, and on Exemestane, just third line treatment. I hope you'll still be here for 10, 20, who knows how many years.
FOLLOWING: HI! I'm 42 on Ibrance letrozole and monthly Zometa infusions. I am also having similar pains minus the burping thing. I have an appointment with my breast surgeon to follow up. It's definitely alarming. Thanks for your post!