Weight loss?? : Can someone tell me if... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Weight loss??

Itisfinished profile image
ā€¢42 Replies

Can someone tell me if they have been able to lose weight on Ibrance/Letrozole?? I have gained so much weight. šŸ˜« I dont eat very much at all and dont really have an appetite. Food just doesnt taste the same. However I feel like I just keep on gaining more weight. It's so frustrating. I have never had a big belly or waist and now I can barely tie my shoes my belly has gotten so big. HELP!!

Feeling bloated,


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Itisfinished profile image
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42 Replies
luckysmom13 profile image

Ugh, I'm right there with you on the weight gain! It seems like a lot of our oral treatments cause weight gain. Menopause does that too...

SeattleMom profile image

Totally agree! That, plus COVID isolation, led to sedentary lifestyle, binge eating, and channel surfing! šŸ˜«šŸ˜«

Iwasborntodothis profile image

Ugh I feel for you while I havenā€™t changed my weight at all in these 2 years of treatment, my fat has moved to different places on my body. I hardly eat , I exercise, and nothing changes.

Anitafazz profile image

I have the same problem . My belly looks like I'm 6 month pregnant . No change in eating habits either. Hard to find clothes that fit right because I'm waiting for someone to ask me when im due lol .

Yes, the aromatase inhibitor is squeezing every last estrogen molecule out of your body! On side effect is an increase in belly and visceral fat as the estrogen levels drop. I try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen but it will be tough to lose it :(

AvidBooklover profile image

My doctor told me that breast cancer is one of the few cancers where patients gain weight instead of losing it. Go us!

Gramat profile image

It also happened to me until my system adapted to the Letrozole (I also take Pablocciclib),. I have been in a letrozole 1 year and 7 months and have only been able to shed weight off successfully the last 4 months. You will get there too. I am following Weightwatchers combined with intermittent fasting.

Beryl71 profile image

I put on about a stone but then it got me back to normal weight after losing a lot. I can't say I've put on more.x

Thredbo2 profile image

I went up a few kgs when I added the Palbociclib to the Letrozole regime. Lost it when I had a tonsillectomy and came off it for a month, but now the weights on again. Just changed my wardrobe to looser fitting clothes as it wonā€™t budge despite exercise.

Garden-Lady profile image

I have the same problem - - belly fat and put on a stone. I'm following Slimming World and eating lots and lots of fresh, raw salad, vegetables and fruit. Despite feeling very tired, I'm walking as much as I can - - trying two miles every day, and gardening. It's tough, living in a society that tells women we're not acceptable with belly fat!

Iā€™ve just finished on the same combination. My weight stayed steady all the way through 2years 6months I was on it although I did feel bloated at times. I always felt more hungry first few days back on Ibrance after a week off. We have a healthy diet. Iā€™m on different meds now so watch this space. šŸ˜

LibraryGeek profile image

I must be one of the very few who never lost weight despite developing an overactive thyroid-once this was stabilised I started putting weight on. My oncologist toldme that my thyroid issue would have counterbalanced the weight gain from the Letrozole/Ibrance and now it is resolved, the weight gain has kicked in.


JustmeMary profile image

I have the same issue with weight! Thought it was just meā€¦..I feel like a marshmallow. :(

HollyWeen profile image

Iā€™m in the same boat. Gained Weight especially belly fat. Iā€™ve been on Ibrance and Letrozole 2.5 years now and cannot fit into clothes comfortably because my stomach sticks out.

But three weeks ago I started Weight Watchers Purple (fresh veggies + Fruits + potatoā€™s + fish and chicken) and when I stick to or close to the Purple program I started slowly losing weight. I track each meal plus amount of sleep and water with the Weight Watchers tracker.

So far I lost 1.5 pound which isnā€™t much but finally my weight is going down instead of up.

Sending you all positive, loving healing energy.

Verbena1 profile image

Iā€™m not on Ibrance right now but with all of the other meds, Iā€™ve gained a lot of weight and can never seem to be able to manage it lately. Mostly because Iā€™m always ravenous! Iā€™ll eat and then realize Iā€™m hungry again a few min later. Itā€™s absolutely mentalā€¦itā€™s gotten so bad Iā€™ve considered going on Wellbutrin (good for quitting smoking or depression, but a side effect is very tiny appetite). I guess I should count myself among the lucky, since so many people with different cancers tend to really have a tough time putting on weight. Still it would be nice to manage it a little haha - good luck šŸ¤ž to us!

Adele_Julia profile image

Itā€™s good to know weā€™re not alone! Iā€™ve put on weight despite not eating as much and eating much healthier. Iā€™m on Ibrance and Faslodex. Really annoying since we have stress with MBC and now feel fat and stressed with extra weight ! Lol

Dragonfly2 profile image

Oh goodness, have you ever poked the bear! šŸ¤£ Yes, weight gain has been a miserable side issue here as well. Itā€™s mostly limited to the belly, ugh. I even stopped alcohol last Christmas and thought Iā€™d be svelte by summer. Nope. Itā€™s hormonal but Iā€™m eagerly reading about how women are able to shed the pounds by intermittent fasting and weight watchers. I enjoy good food but am fairly active when Iā€™m not in my fatigue week ( IBrance cycle days 19 through 24) . Getting enough sleep and being active but also incorporating strength training is apparently key to maintaining your metabolism (which starts to tank after age 60).

Also, donā€™t underestimate the power of loose flowing clothesā€¦I loved the stretch skinny jeans with a generous cozy top through the winter.

And donā€™t forget the power of self loveā€¦hug yourself and remember that those we love and who love us donā€™t care about the poundsā€¦as long as weā€™re together.šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°

Bettybuckets profile image
Bettybuckets in reply to Dragonfly2

Great advice!

Buffwright profile image

We all have such different reactions. I didnā€™t gain at all on Ibrance. At the end of my second line of treatment, Afinitor (Iā€™m now on Piqray) I lost 15 in two weeks and canā€™t seem to get it back. I realized I was only taking in about 500 calories a day due to nausea and loss of appetite. Try drinking more water (which is good anyway). Have you talked to a nutritionist?

MaryCos profile image

I kinda feel bad in saying this because I know so many women experience (and are upset by) weight gain. But I have lost 40 lbs in the last year, myself. Like a lot of you, though... this is because food is not the same for me and I don't eat as much as I should. (Fortunately, my labs are still okay.)

Bettybuckets profile image
Bettybuckets in reply to MaryCos

Donā€™t lose any more! But I bet wearing clothes feels good again!

MaryCos profile image
MaryCos in reply to Bettybuckets

It does. Just found out (also) that I have lost 1.5 inches in my height, which shocked me. (As I just turned 57 yesterday.) And this means that where I would have been at my ideal weight after this weight loss, I am now still about 6 lbs overweight. If only my medical "team" paid as much attention to my chronic pain and cancer as they do my BMI. Either way, I'll move to Hopkins in November... and will be in good hands then. My weight loss over the last year was definitely not deliberate and not due to exercise, so, at some point, this may become an issue if it keeps going down. But, for now, I look and feel really great!

Goldenhair profile image

I wouldn't recommend this action. I was diagnosed with cancer a 2nd time in 2019. I was started monthly on Ibrance, 2 bone shots, infusion and 1 vitamin B-12 shot. I broke my arm and cracked my femur so the surgeon put in 2 rods in my bones so I didn't have to be in casts. It was 6 months recovery to walk and I just graduated to no longer need therapy for my arm. During that time I lost 50 pounds and shocked anyone who knew me. I believe the weight loss was due to the cancer and not eating the rehab (more like a convalescent homes) food. I drank most of my intake and eat the ice cream. Take care, -GH

Itisfinished profile image
Itisfinished in reply to Goldenhair

I am not sure of what action you wouldnt reccomend??

doulos21 profile image

new with this game since March of this year 2021. only 4mos into Let/Ibr100 combo....Lost about 25lbs and a challenge to maintain without going lower. . Attributed to going totally WholeFood Plant Based diet, NO refined added sugars, NO alcohol. Minimal appetite due to all the fiber in diet. I think the flip to primarily vegan type of diet plus NO added sugar may have flipped my metabolism switch. monitoring nutrition with integrative oncologist from Mayo Clinic. Monitoring nutrition diligently, labs are good, just got back to the weight I was 30 yrs ago! Great website for monitoring nutrient values: tools.myfooddata.com/nutrie...

Itisfinished profile image
Itisfinished in reply to doulos21

I did that when I first got diagnosed however eating like that literally about killed me and made me so weak I was so malnourished. I eat meat now that is grass feed. I treat myself also. I try and watch my sugar intake and make sure it's as natural as possible. After I had surgery on my spine a year ago I needed more protein to heal and walk again. I feel much stronger now and not so tired and weak. I just started walking 2 miles and weight training so I pray this will help get off the 20lbs I put on. I use to be a runner and a personal trainer so I know how to exercise I just have to be careful with my back. They had to remove 2 vertbaes due to a tumor that was crushing them and causing paralysis. I am a miracle and I praise my heavenly Father for saving me! This is an awful disease straight from the pit.

doulos21 profile image

thanks so much for your feedback!! I'm definitely going to have to monitor this closely. How long were you on Plant Based before it started bothering you?

Itisfinished profile image
Itisfinished in reply to doulos21

Eight months. My husband watched me basically wither up from no protein and malnutrition. I just dont agree with plant base anymore. I believe our heavenly Father created all foods to be enjoyed in moderation! Be in health my friend!

doulos21 profile image
doulos21 in reply to Itisfinished

thanks for your reply! Will be keeping you in prayer as I, too, am under the same cross of Christ...."tetelesti"..

Itisfinished profile image
Itisfinished in reply to doulos21

Hey I didnt mean to make that sound rude about not believing in plant base for others. I meant for me. Please forgive me if that sounded rude I didnt mean it that way. I believe when I first started out I was just so desperate to make the right decision and I was so scared. I am actually tweaking my diet again because I have been off track. I have been going through alot of marital stuff and it has been so heartbreaking so I have been in transition so it's been hard to eat the way I need to. I do love veggies and fruits and I sometimes dont eat meat unless its salmon or grass fed beef. I dont like chicken anymore since taking I brance. Please pardon me if I sounded rude. We all have to fight the way God leads us. We are all different and require different things. Be blessed!!

doulos21 profile image
doulos21 in reply to Itisfinished

no offense taken!! Our Lord has made us each as unique. And I know that what works now, may not work a year from now. Praising the Spirit for His guidance, and holding you up in love.....

Itisfinished profile image
Itisfinished in reply to doulos21

I will be lifting you up as wellšŸ™ In the beginning I was so scared and overwhelmed by all the info and protocols out there that I had to stop reading everything and seek out God for guidance for myself. And He was so faithful to deliver as I know He will for you as well!

mariootsi profile image

I have gained weight also! Ugh

Rhwright12 profile image

Hi Michelle! I feel my weight gain issues are directly related to the cancerā€¦ Losing weight : cancer leaving. Gaining 20-30 cancer acting up! My Onc sent me to a Dietician since theyā€™re not trained in diet/exerciseā€¦Eventually it progression showed up on a scan after 6 months. I guess the thing is u have to know you and if the weight is from Starbucks, too much food, the meds, or the cancer itselfā€¦

Itisfinished profile image
Itisfinished in reply to Rhwright12

I have never heard of weight gain being from cancer. My oncologist said that it was the treatment and not being active since my spine surgery. Alot of ladies have said they have gained belly weight also after starting treatment. So that's interesting....

Rhwright12 profile image
Rhwright12 in reply to Itisfinished

Cancer is a metabolic disorder. But they really donā€™t explain that. And yes most people lose weightā€¦But lucky me packs on 20-30 when I get progressionā€¦šŸ˜±ā€¦ And Iā€™m his first MBCer to do 5kā€¦So Iā€™m not afraid of a little exerciseā€¦Everyone is differentā€¦šŸ˜€ This has happened 2xā€¦Once at original diagnosis June ā€˜16. And last fall with progressionā€¦ I got sent to a dietician and collectively the answer was šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

michelangelina profile image

I did not gain weight the first couple of years on Ibrance, letrozole but boy have I been gaining lately. And yes, it is mostly belly fat. I guess it is incentive to try to rein in the impulse eating!

Missmaddie615 profile image

I gained in my belly area too! Looks like Iā€™m pregnant, so I bought some pregnancy tops! You shouldā€™ve seen the looks I got as a 57 year old in the maternity section, lol....it was a hoot, lol! I also wear lots of loose fitted clothes, and I wear sweats pants -Comfort before beauty!

Andibo profile image

Lord it's a constant battle. I have gained on Ibrance/Faslodex and add to that menopause and an underactive thyroid and I just hit the Trifecta! I don't drink much at all and don't eat tons. Have trouble with a lot of exercises because this joyful bone met situation led to a spinal fusion surgery and partial hip replacement. Maybe I will give the Weight Watchers a try. I feel your pain!!!

I feel the same and I eat nothing. I do love sweets but I limit myself to one piece of pie a day and it has 180 calories. I hate being so fat but I donā€™t know what to do.

Puppy_love profile image

I gained about 7 to 8 pounds which I wish I could drop

BluHydrangea profile image

I found a program BRIGHT LINE that is healthy, measured portions but restricts flour and sugar consumption. I lost 50 pounds in 4 months. Went off when a family member died and I didnā€™t have the bandwidth for the restriction and planning. Going back on it! Joint pain diminished and good energy. Wasnā€™t hard but I had to look and realize my eating for comfort and other emotional eating. Brightlineeating.com

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