Stable. Thankful. Loving the winter s... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Stable. Thankful. Loving the winter sunshine.

Timtam56 profile image
29 Replies

If you look closely, you’ll see my little girls, Stevie, running madly towards me with a ball in her mouth.

So. Good news for me yet again. 3.3 years in, still on 100mg Ibrance and Anastrozole with Dunocumab/Xgeva jabs monthly.

And after my 3 monthly scans I get told yet again I’m stable. Slight rise in CA Markers. But apart from feeling very tired a lot of the time, and just taking life as it comes, (taken up watercolour painting), I feel free, happy, content, and happy in my skin.

If this is as bad as it has to be for a while yet, I’ll take it. I know one day it will get worse, but I don’t want to think about that right now.

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Timtam56 profile image
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29 Replies
LotusAFlower profile image

It’s good to read your stable as well as in a good state of being. Your pup is adorable. I can’t imagine being without my dogs and cats during this grueling journey. Gentle hugs your way… I’m tired too.. I am resigned to thinking this fatigue will last forever…

Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to LotusAFlower

Yep.Me too. It just is! Huh?

debbiedo2063 profile image

Congrats 3.3 years in and you sound so positive and relaxed. Well done. Your dog is adorable too must put a smile on your face just looking at her. I’m only 7 months in on Ibrance, fulvestrant and Xgeva and it’s going well so far. You give me hope. Thank you for posting.

Debra xxx🥰

Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to debbiedo2063

Debra. You and others like you, are the reason I decided to put up that post. I really deliberated about saying anything. And then I realised how helpful it was for me to read such things when I first came here more than 3 years ago feeling confused, frightened and wanting knowledge. So I’m so happy that it gives you hope. I really am thankful that I’m one of the ones, (and there have been many) that Ibrance and Letrozole or Anastrozole has been a miracle drug for.

Believe that this can be you and I believe I will go on for much longer yet.

And yes. My little girl makes me smile and laugh so much. As my friend on this site said to me, “How is she even possible?” She is so cute. And funny, and a kind, gentle little thing. I adore her.

Rotagirl profile image

Lovely news.xx Fay

Tam-56 profile image

Stevie is adorable! Is she a Westie? I'm so happy for your good news and longtime run with Ibrance. Celebrate!!I just past my 3 year mark on Ibrance 125 and Letrozole. I feel good except for brain fog and also just told I have Meniere's Disease so just trying to adjust to not hearing very well and being dizzy a lot. No cure for this either.

I feel lucky too on these meds as they are tolerable, my scans are good and recent brain MRI normal. My CAC numbers fluctuate a few points with each result. Last reading they were down.

Enjoy your pal ...unconditional love. ( I lost my two pals during Covid... one was 17 and the other 15 died from acute respiratory failure she was also diabetic)

I wonder if I could adopt another??

Thank you for sharing your beautiful park!


Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to Tam-56

No. She is a Moodle Maura. Miniature Poodle X Maltese. Yes yes. Adopt. I think Stevie has given me a new lease on life. Yes it was hard work at first. But I loved her so much from the start of her little life that nothing felt TOO hard for me.

Oh. Meniere’s is terrible Maura. I feel for you. Yes I have many other bits and pieces unrelated to cancer, that I have to deal with this ripe old age of 65. It just adds to the stress doesn't it?

Take care, and go get that little ball of fluffy love. Now! 🤓

As long as you have someone there to take over if it gets too much. I have my daughter. She doesn’t live with me, but she has a dog of her own and Stevie loves them both as much as she loves me. So I can rest easy knowing she will always be loved.

Tam-56 profile image
Tam-56 in reply to Timtam56

She is adorable! So nice Stevie had a playmate! Oh I would love to adopt another fur friend to share in my life. I have a daughter too but she already has three huskies (the Husksteers) Maybe I’ll look into being a fur foster mom for now and see how it goes! Would need to be a small dog like a noodle or cockapoo type.

Ménière’s I am still in the “learning about” phase. Apparently I need to find out what my triggers are that bring on an episode. I had three episodes in June and only one in July so far.

Enjoy those warm winter days!

love2golfwell profile image

I am so happy to read that you are stable and that you have been on the medications for over 3 years. I am on Ibrance 125 and Letrozole for about 8 months and also found out I am stable with a very slight rise in CA 27-29 which doctor says could be a margin of error. I like to play a lot of golf and every time I get to play I am grateful for I know that one day I might not be able to do this and will have to find a different hobby. Love the picture and your adorable dog. Hope you continue to be stable and positive and enjoy your painting.

Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to love2golfwell

Thank you.

That’s great news. You must be doing something right. Take care x

Chris! That's fantastic news! (and a great pic! :).

Re: the tumor markers, I'll mention that mine have risen gradually for years (e.g. CA was maybe 50 early on, now 140? They would spike (20% give or take) around the time of progression but modest increases, with some decreases, kind of became the norm.

I have wondered if others with similar long-term mostly stable have experienced the same...Maybe they sort of build up a bit over time?

In any event, congratulations...this is great news!


Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to

Yes. Lynn. I think that’s what happens for me too. Mine were 129 at first diagnosis. Then they had dropped to 29 a few years ago. Now they are 65. They were 60 last month. So slow incremental rise monthly. I am not going let that worry me. I have decided to worry when there is something to worry about and NOT before that!🤣

Timtam56 profile image

Yep. She is way tooooooo cute for words! I cannot get anything done. She just has to look at me.

Warning. Cuteness level overload!

Lovely. Good for you.

Stevie is adorable. May I ask his age and breed?

Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to

"She" is a moodle. Maltese x miniature poodle. She is 15 months old. Still sick a happy bouncy puppy.

in reply to Timtam56

Oops. My bad.

She’s adorable. I’ve not seen that mix before. I love her energy!

Beryl71 profile image

That all sounds good, you enjoy what you have that's all we can do. Now is what we have , no point in spoiling it worrying about the future! X

Karen2235 profile image

You inspire me. Thanks for the post.

8576 profile image

Wonderful news. Yes, I saw your two girls in the background there. Your young dog is very cute. Lovely expression. Pets can bring us a lot of joy. Also, very nice that you have taken up water colours. Always good to be trying something new and relaxing.

Cheers, June S.

Flavia100 profile image

Aww, hugs to you . It always makes me so happy to hear this good stories and it’s an inspiration for all of us

Wonderful news and it gives us so much hope.Little Stevie has enough energy for everyone by the looks of things 😀


Rbeth profile image
Rbeth in reply to

Ibrance only lasted about 1 1/2 years. Now I’m on Xeloda. One week on and two weeks off. Thank goodness they keep coming up with new drugs to keep us going. My oncologist says that my cancer is a chronic illness, not a death sentence. Bless all the medical folks and their support staff - and their supportive families for their dedication.

Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to Rbeth

I hope your treatment lasts a long long time.

viennagirl profile image

It is good to hear from you Timtam. And it is wonderful that you are stable and feeling good. You are obviously enjoying your life. Yes, I see your little dog in the photo. She is a cutie. I guess it is winter where you are in Australia. We are enjoying a gloriously hot summer here in BC but it is not so good for many people in the province. But here on Vancouver Island it has been hot and I am enjoying it. It feels like my bones really needed this heat. But on the sad side of this heat wave is that one of the towns in BC burned to the ground - yes - the entire town burned down. I guess it is because the temperature reached 49.5 degrees C. That is so sad because many people have lost their businesses in the little town of Lytton. The good thing is that no lives were lost. I feel incredibly sad about all the animals that are dying due to the heat wave. My husband and I are saving up for an electric vehicle. I hope we can get it soon as I want to be part of the solution to the climate changes.

I am just a wee bit over two years on Ibrance and Letrozole and feel good. I have had no progression and I hope I can stay this well because I am enjoying life. I fall off the wagon when it comes to diet but I am back trying to eat less sugar and fat. My daughter bought me some walking sticks and I tried them out this morning. I really love them because I am not as stable on my feet anymore and they really give me a feeling of stability. I believe I will do more walking.

I think you should believe that you will heal and recover. Why not. I am starting to believe that healing is in our own hands. I had a strange vision recently where I was told that I could heal myself. So I am now going to try to incorporate all the good things I can into my lifestyle. I don't know how exactly to carry out the strange inspiration I received but the message or insight (whatever it was) does seem to be reassuring me that I can heal.

I was in Australia in 1975 with my daughter and stayed briefly in the small town of Nimbin. It was the hippy days and the town was painted rainbow colours. We stayed at a very relaxed commune. I could have bought into it for $200.00 Australian dollars. But of course I was just on a holiday and didn't plan to move to Australia so didn't need the land. But now when I think about it I probably should have done it and then at least be able to come for visits. I love Australia. What an amazing country.

Take good care of yourself. Hugs Marlene

Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to viennagirl

Oh Marlene what a wonderfully jampacked message. I remember you saying you went to Australia once and loved it it’s so nice to hear that. I wonder if we can heal ourselves. it would be good if you proved your messenger correct. I’d love to know that this was possible.

and I don’t know if you remember about talking about fires that I was caught in the New South Wales ones here a year and a half ago. on my way up with my family to see my family and spend a very very expensive time in a beautiful place in a forest. we were journeying up the major highway and realise there were fires and called into the police station and asked if it was safe to go ahead. The police woman actually said to us "don’t ask me look at your maps. " We keep travelling along and went straight into the face of the fires. Long story short.... after staying the night in someone’s house who allowed us to bunker in because we’ve been in a collective safe area all that day with the black and red skies looming above us, we had to travel back along the same road two days later. That area was burnt to smithereens all around us. It is just so horrific what the world is going through and I can only see it getting worse.

Good on you for going the electric car. I actually couldn’t afford it when I bought my new car just recently.

viennagirl profile image
viennagirl in reply to Timtam56

Oh my god. What a horrifying experience you had with the fire in New South Wales. That is where we stayed when my daughter and I stayed in Nimbin. It was such a green, lush area. It is hard to imagine a horrible fire in that area. But New South Wales is a big area and I didn't get to see to much of it as we were on our way to Brisbane so maybe there is an area in NSW that is drier with lots of trees. So you probably can relate to the poor people in Lytton whose town was burned down completely.

I don't know if we can afford an electric car but we are hoping to try to save up for one. And we hope the government gives us assistance with the price. It is really time for all world governments to get serious about climate change.

I still hold out hope for most of us to heal and get well. We have to believe that because to think otherwise can cause despair. I am generally a happy person so like to think positive. I care about myself and all you wonderful ladies out there. There has to be an answer and I think we will find it. Just having each other to talk to is a real blessing.

Stay safe and be happy. Hugs Marlene

So happy to hear your good news! I’m thinking about taking up painting too! All the things I never had time for. Enjoy every moment 🎈🌈🙏❤️🙏

Timtam56 profile image
Timtam56 in reply to hopenowandtomorrow

Please take up painting as it is so much fun. I downloaded a couple of painting courses and looked at YouTube. And there is so much available to us on the Internet these days. Here is one of my practice paintings.

Practicing five petal flowers.

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