Hi all you lovely people. For the last 3 months I have experienced feeling wobbly and nausea on days 20, 21, 22, 23. My brain also goes into melt down and I can't remember the names of anything! My husband thinks it may be toxicity from meds. I take 100g ibrance and letrozole. I am allowed 10 days inbetween cycles because my neutrophils stagger to get up to 1.00 in 7 days. Does anyone else have this problem? Perhaps I need to ask for a drop to 75g? Fay
Nausea side effect?: Hi all you lovely... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Nausea side effect?

Hi Fay, I am on the same meds and yes I have the same problem. I’m on day 15 of my 21 day Ibrance cycle and I can feel it now. I call it Chemo brain. I also feel sick when I eventually wake in the mornings but that passes.
It’s really hard to explain the feeling and I try to keep busy to forget it but after 17 months on this combination I am learning to accept it.
Hope this helps in some way.

Thanks Cheryl, great help. Fay
Good morning Day! I am (still) on 75mg. I have no nausea luckily, and my counts stay reasonably ok, but it certainly, without doubt has affected my memory. Your husband is right I believe.
I hope 75mg will be better for you.

Thanks Anja, that's a help. All very strange isn't it. Fay
Tell your oncologist, he may want you to take from 100 to a 75 mg dose.
I'm on 125 Ibrance, Letrozole, and Xgeva- Nausea starts end of third week and start of week off. Not horrible - just zero interest in food at strange times. A little fuzzy with words sometimes too. Its been a year now so its just something I live with.
Yes indeed it causes some nausea. I asked my onc and he said yes it’s a side effect. And my brain can be very foggy and sometimes I can’t find the words I’m trying to say. I work 40 hours and the fatigue is off the charts. Maybe the brain fog is from the exhaustion. Hope this helps.
My wife has similar problems (she is on 75mg Ibrance) but has been prescribed a low dose of Ondansetron which seems to do the trick. One a day in the morning seems to help her. Something to consider maybe.

Many thanks for that info Truth be told, will look into it. Fay
Hi Fay
I have only completed 1 cycle of 100mg with letrozole and Zometa. My brain did a melt down also. I could not make lots of decisions or recall words. I did not have nausea but lack of appetite. I could not decide what to eat because nothing sounded good. It was so disturbing to me with the fatigue that I ask for home health evaluation. The chemo brain effects has continued into my 14 days off. I flooded the garden by leaving 3 valves in the on position instead of the off position.
My neutrophils also went below 1 and I am expecting to start the 75mg today. I did also get wobbly. I was walking with a wide stance and felt unstable. I used a walking stick I had.
Sorry for your symptoms but thanks for sharing. Diana
Thanks for sharing Diana. It's a nightmare sometimes isn't it? Fay
It is. When I saw the garden flooded I first thought why would someone do this to my garden? I thought someone had trespassed. Then it finally occurred to me than in cognitive decline, the first person I can blame is someone else. I looked in disbelief again at what I saw. It is scary. Glad they are plants not animals or humans.
Interesting I'm on 125 Ibrance and I'm all prepared for these symptoms but so far must have been lucky. I've had four months and can't say I've noticed anything! My oncologist has even deferred my scans for a couple of months as my blood readings are so good and I'm feeling well. I hope this is not the lull before the storm. Carolynx
Hi Beryl, that sounds good. I was fine for approx 20 months and then these issues began. Although I had of course been moved too 100mg from 125 a year ago. All the best, thanks for posting. Fay
I had nausea and brain fog too. Ondansetron took care of my nausea. I recently stopped taking it and no nausea. I am at the end of my 41st month . Best wishes. Blessings Hannah
I feel these symptoms periodically too. I think it's the Ibrance. I find Zofran helps as do saltines. Hope you feel better.
Mariootsi, thanks for replying. A great forum isn't it? Fay
Thank you so much for posting this. I know I suffered from chemo brain during IV chemo, and I have tried to research it with regard to Ibrance, but it seems whenever you research Ibrance you just come up with the Pfizer site. My thinking is very foggy, too. I forget the names of things or people, and I try to remember, but then my brain sinks into exhaustion and forgets even what I was looking for. Not a pleasant experience, but I feel better knowing that it is chemo brain and not dementia. I wouldn't want to go down that road.

Hi Seekers Road, fortunately my symptoms are bad for only approx 4 days so let's hope they go. I'm in the UK so not all meds mentioned are here. Best wishes, Fay
I had this issue at first. I've been on the same combo for 34 months and I will say it begins to subside. I found that taking the Ibrance at bedtime helped. I have a Rx for Zofran and that also worked. My favorite is the Young Living Theives Lozenges. They help with nausea and taste good too! They are pricey but a huge relief if medications are not readily available. Good Luck!
Except for everything (except chocolate ice cream) tasting absolutely disgusting (a side effect of Tamoxifen), I have had no other side effects in the 5+ years that I've been on this miracle worker (in my recurrence, I started with 13 tumors--now I have none according to my PET scan). I THOUGHT I had no other side effects, but after reading today's messages, I have begun to wonder if I can blame some things on Ibrance rather than OLD AGE!!! Hard to tell. I'm 77. A couple years ago I took 125mg, then dropped to 75.