Bloating since starting Lextrozole
Did y’all know that some of inactive ... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Did y’all know that some of inactive ingredients in Lextrozole are sodium & lactose -which increase bloating?
I take Letrozole and I’m bloated all the time.
I can certainly relate to that. Both Letrozole and Zoladex have caused me to bloat so awfully that I look pregnant. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode. I had various discussions with my oncologist, and he took me off it four months ago, However, Zoladex has also made it worse. I've just been taken off Zoladex but was told that it will take some time for it to wear off.
This is an ongoing battle with side effects from the meds. I wonder when and if it gets better. Take care.
Thank you, I didn't know and I have a great deal of bloating! I wonder if taking lactate would help?
Sorry your having problems with bloating, I feel fine on it, I'm also on zoledex and denusumab which I have every 3 months, side effects are reduced
Take lactaid with it. That should help.
hmmm I didn't know this, thank you for sharing. Iv'e had bloating for a while, this may be a contributing factor but is one of a couple.
Yes. I’m lactose intolerant 😞. When I stopped Ibrance and Letrozole my gastric area improved a lot.