HOW NYers handle the virus (true vide... - SHARE Metastatic ...
HOW NYers handle the virus (true video) Only in NY
Haha. That is SO New York. Where’s his mask?
We are told that the masks really do not help with this virus. Unless it is air tight and most of these masks you buy online are one size fits all. The gloves and washing of the hands continuously and NOT touching your face is the most important things. I do not wear the mask and when I was out yesterday getting my rxs (all, Thank God) from the pharmacy loads of people were at at the supermarket which is across the street. I noted that most were wearing gloves but NOBODY was wearing masks. I read that they basically are useless. This is not an AIR BORNE virus. It is fluid-based.
But notice how after he cleaned, he jumped the turnstiles to avoid paying the fare. Only in NY, I swear.

Anne Marie
Unfortunately I don’t believe some of what we’re told. We had the N45 mask hanging around the house (my husband is nuts) so I will use it if I feel I’m in a compromising situation. It is airborne in droplets. All we can do is be prudent. The local supermarket has very early hours just for those over 60. It is in the middle of a lot of over 55 communities
The point of it was the humor was that he tried to disinfect the turn style and then jumped it to avoid having to pay the $2.75 fee with his metrocard. I used to see that every day when I worked, people and not just kids, adults also, not wanting to pay the $2.75 to avoid paying the fare and of course the person in the station booth is not going to leave the booth to run after them.
This was not shown to show how to clean a turnstile, it was for the humor factor of him trying to disinfect and then doing something illegal.

And it was funny. And sooo New York
It can drive one crazy sometimes New York, but it is never boring and I love NY. No moving every to FL for me. There is so much to do in NY that does not even cost money but right now, its in shut down mode.

You are so right. Boring is one word that New York defies. When I moved to NJ I missed the street life. The first “crazy” person I saw here was a young, clean guy smoking pot alongside his bike in a strip mall talking to himself About a year ago I was waiting for a friend in a car in another strip mall. My window was down, nice day. A normal looking woman approached the car, sized me up and looked up at the sky. Big billowy clouds against a blue sky. “They’re making weather again.” She shook her head up and down. Yup, plenty of weather out there. She explained to me how the government made weather at the cogeneration plant up in Linden on the turnpike. Was I going to argue with her? She got into a car and drove away. She drove, people. she probably has a license and votes. And keeps track of government weather activity. In NYC this would be entertaining. New York crazy is scary.
LOL. I was surprised and thought OMG...she thinks this is a video of me showing how good he was about sanitizing. No, it was the funniness of him being worried about the virus and doing his best and then committing a crime by jumping over the turnstile to avoid paying. OMG. You have no idea how much action you miss on the trains stations. I took them for years before my diagnosis in 2017. People taking their clothes off on trains, walking on naked, some scary things but a mariachi bank once coming on the train to make money (and its the last thing you want to hear after a hard day at work) so some man gave them money to get off the train.
Maybe that is what they realized would happen LOL
That is NY.
Not a bank, but a band LOL