Teddie ‘Rocketman’: Russian sage... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Teddie ‘Rocketman’

Teddielottie profile image
24 Replies

Russian sage ‘Rocketman” in memory of Teddie 🐶

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24 Replies
Barbteeth profile image

Ahh that’s so lovely

Thanks for sharing this

Barb xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Barbteeth

I forgot to add that on the day Teddie slipped away , we had been to see “Rocketman” the movie about Elton John ... so that’s where the Rocketman plant idea came from . I googled Rocketman plant and lo ‘ and behold there it was ... a Russian sage ! x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Teddielottie

That’s quite spooky...in a nice way though

Good film as well!

Barb xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Barbteeth

Yes , great movie !... Talking of movies , We have just been to our first ‘silver screen’ at the odeon cinema (for over 55s! ) We saw The Hustle (a very funny crime comedy ... with Rebel Wilson and Anne Hathaway ...which is already out on dvd !) all for £3 each and free tea/coffee and biscuits . Lol! ... so one benefit of getting older ! 😂

in reply to Teddielottie

Right, that does it! I have even more incentive to grow older now - discounted cinema tickets!! We used to have local showings of films in a social club here in town, where it cost just £4 per ticket. We also had free tea and biscuits. I have to admit it was mostly older people who went along, but my husband and I enjoyed it too. The last film we watched there was Victoria and Abdul, right before my diagnosis. I was disappointed when it all stopped. There just wasn't enough interest. x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

That’s a shame Sophie...a great film or book are life’s pleasures imo

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Yes, I know! I live in a small town, so it was nice having things to do around here. We still find things to do. We just have to think outside the box sometimes and be appreciative of what we have.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I’m a country girl at heart but there are advantages living in a city..good theatres and cinemas...I’m an opera fan and love to see the live broadcasts from the Metropolitan in New York

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

I am a country girl too, and like the city life, but I like to come back home to fields, cows and woods too. I loved living in Cambridge when I was a student, but it's not like London or San Francisco. It's funny because whenever relatives would come up and visit us from London they would pity us for living in the country. They thought there was nothing to do here. But we have lots going on and it isn't as crowded! I would not swap what we have for London. Sorry to anyone on here from London. I don't dislike London. It's a nice city to go visit. I just wouldn't want to live there.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I know what you mean about London...Miranda lives in Crystal Palace...it’s horrendous....when I last went in July I thought I would pass out on the tube...soooo hot and sweaty and everyone pushing and shoving..ugh

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

Yes, London is a bit much! You did well on the tube. That's not my idea of fun. Imagine having to commute every day on the tube! I don't think I would cope.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Teddielottie

Tea and biscuits!!!... where’s the gin and tonics fgs

Joking apart...I’m a big cinema goer and a member of Broadway cinema in Nottingham so get good discounts...I sometimes go on my own to see screenings of old movies...went to see ‘Notorious ‘ the other week...in the afternoon...felt so decadent

I like foreign movies as well... there are silver screenings as well so in the winter when it’s horrible weather..I know where I’ll be

A good movie takes your mind off all this rubbish we’re dealing with for sure...I haven’t seen The Hustle though...sounds good

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

I want to see the Downton Abbey film when it comes out. I was a big fan during the TV series and was sad to see it end.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Yes that should be a good one

I’m going to see the Quentin Tarantino film soon...it will be violent but I don’t mind all that..my fave film of his was Jackie Brown...I’m also a big Coen brothers fan

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

I'm more of a period drama sort of girl. So give me anything Jane Austen (although I couldn't get into Sanditon last night; I might try and watch it again on catch up), or historical and I am glued to the screen.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Oh I love any Jane Austin film..sense and sensibility prob my favourite followed by pride and prejudice..have the dvd’s And often watch them...always cry!!... but then I cry at Black Beauty!!

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Sense and Sensibility was a good film. The version with Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson was probably the best. Although it was a bit improbable that they could be sisters, as they are 17 years apart. But having said that, Kim's oldest sister is nearly 17 years older than him. He's the 9th born. I can't remember if I cried at Black Beauty. I probably did, as I love horses. I often see them when I am out dog walking.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I cry at anything...in The Sound of Music I cry when Rev Mother sings ‘Climb every mountain ‘...my girls think it’s hilarious and I’ve seen it loads of times as well...but guarantee it I’ll still cry...and some of those old films...well I’m ridiculous

Gosh Kim’s from a large family...how lovely..are they all in Montana?

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

I wouldn't laugh at you. I cry during some films too, especially if they are really moving.

Yes, Kim has a large family. Can you believe I'm a great-great aunt?! I have nieces and nephews older than me who are grandparents! Two of his sisters have died, so there are seven of them left. Most live in Montana, but some of his siblings also live in Colorado and Minnesota.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I wish I had a big family..my mum was the oldest of seven so when I was little I had lots of cousins and we all lived near each other..was lovely but the aunts and uncles have nearly all died now...my poor auntie Winnie died of breast cancer in the 1970s

Now I don’t see any of them as they live all over the place

Happy memories though

I can’t get my head round you being a great great aunt though...amazing

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

My side of the family is large too. My mum was the oldest of seven and my dad was the youngest of seven. My parents had three children, my two brothers and I. I didn't grow up with cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents though, as they were mostly in Cyprus. I would go visit occasionally and see more distant family in London.

That must have been nice having cousins to play with when you were growing up. That's sad about your aunt Winnie. Cancer care has come a long way since the 1970s, so we can expect to live longer. That's what I keep telling myself. My maternal grandfather died in the 1970s too before he became a grandfather, so none of us knew him.

My oldest great-great niece, Sophia, is nearly six. So I have a lot of catching up to do when I see everyone next week.

I have the week off (mostly) but I still feel a bit frazzled. I took my dad to the hospital first thing for a blood test. I was hoping to get it done here in town at the health clinic, but it's a special sort of blood test (cortisol, renin and several other components) so we had to go to the hospital to get that done. I had let my brother's day centre and taxi service know that I would be dropping my brother off after my dad's appointment, but none of those messages were passed on, so I was getting stressed as everyone was trying to call me to find out where my brother was and what was going on. I wasn't happy when I dropped him off.

Then my dad was stressing me out because his phone hasn't been working since Friday and he hasn't stopped going on about it. What with the Bank Holiday weekend I said I would get it sorted today. He wanted it done ASAP (he's a retiree and thinks everyone should be on his schedule) but I told him I would call BT later this afternoon. I also need to go to a different hospital in the afternoon for Kim to get his arm looked at again. He has tendonitis. His GP had told him if the cream didn't help to come back for a steroid injection.

I am so ready for this holiday! Roll on next week!

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Bloody hell sophie...I bet you’re ready for your holiday...what s load of hassle!!

Well not long now

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I am ready for that holiday! Good grief! What a day. I just got off the phone to BT and an engineer is coming out on Thursday to take a look at my dad's phone line. Hopefully it can be fixed that day. I also went with Kim to his hospital appointment. I thought it was going to be a quick in and out appointment, but it took a lot longer than expected. I had plans with a couple of friends at 2:00pm but had to cancel, as he still being seen to. Hopefully the steroid injection will help.

Next is another appointment for my dad this Friday. It's for his eyes this time. I asked him to show me the appointment letter so I could see what's being done. He will have his eyes dilated, so he definitely can't go alone. He was planning to take the bus, but I insisted on driving him. He won't be able to see properly afterwards.

I worked out earlier in an effort to get rid of the day's stresses, but it didn't really work! But at least I had a workout. I missed my exercise yesterday as I was busy car booting, taking my brother out and walking a dog. Is it the weekend yet?!


mariootsi profile image

So beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

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