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library2019 profile image
35 Replies

Does anyone have trouble sleeping? What do you take or do for sleep?

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library2019 profile image
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35 Replies
Francesca10 profile image


I take ambien; if I am really anxious an Ativan with herbal non caffeine tea, epsom salt bath then ambien.

library2019 profile image
library2019 in reply to Francesca10

Thanks nothing worse than being tired

nstonerocks profile image

Occasional Xanax. Also find physical activity during the day helps. Sometimes I feel anxiety rising at bedtime. Love warm baths. Listening to talks and meditations. Tara Brach is a good one. Pema Chodron.

library2019 profile image
library2019 in reply to nstonerocks

I try xanax sometimes it works

Libra48 profile image

Hi... I have trouble sleeping. I was prescribed Ambien. It helps me get a good night sleep.

library2019 profile image
library2019 in reply to Libra48

Thanks maybe I'll ask for ambien

Libra48 profile image
Libra48 in reply to library2019

Sometimes I just take half the pill and it works too. Do you experience anxiety?

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to Libra48

10 mg. of ambien per night but I have had sleeping issues for years well before the diagnosis.

SoCalLady profile image

I read before bed to relax and get my mind off daily worries/activities. Also, if you don't want to take a prescription pill like Ambien, which some doctors's think is addictive, then try Kirkland's (Costco) over-the-counter "Sleep Aid," 30 minutes before bed. It's main ingredient is Doxylamine succinate 25mg. Works for me and Onc said it was fine.

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to SoCalLady

At this point with all that is going on, I do not care if my body needs it to sleep (addictive?). I have been on it for several years. Before the ambien I was taking over the counter unisom at full strength and it would take three for me to fall asleep. If I even went one night without the Unisom, I would never fall asleep so your body can get used to even over the count meds, once it gets used to it. I don't care. I feel lousy, as most people do, without sleep or constantly waking up every hour or so. Especially now with the diagnosis and other meds, I just want to get at least 7 hours of full sleep.

Francesca10 profile image
Francesca10 in reply to kearnan

Mine has been increased because I have been on it long time. Body develops tolerance. I don’t care either at this point- I need to sleep with all the torture this diagnosis brings🙏🏻

Maludagui profile image
Maludagui in reply to SoCalLady

Hi 🌺 yes I take too. This working for me

Ambien low dosage is my preference. Be careful about regular use of Xanax please. I learned the hard way. I took it regularly for a few weeks several years ago after my second diagnosis. I ended up with awful “rebound anxiety” which was news to me. I weaned myself off but the anxiety was worse during that time frame. Occasionally I take a CBD oil half droplet of tincture which helps. Helps when I’m feeling very stressed.

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to

You are so right. When I was first prescribed xanax for anxiety attacks, I was DIRECTED to take a .5 mg. three times a day. So I did it and I thought this is a miracle drug. My primary doctor had prescribed it to me (after I went to a specialist first). It was NOT even considered a controlled substance. I would get three refills on it. Then after about 9 years on it (and I always took it as directed and went to Africa and Amazon trekking expedition while on it). Then I was home in NY and I had went to my primary for a cold and forgot to ask him for a new rx for my xanax. I called the office the next day but it was some Jewish holidays and they were going to be closed and I thought no big I won't have it for a few days. Little by little and then quickly I became confused, heart was racing, my sense of smell (It is a withdrawal effect) was scary. I could open the fridge and smell the eggs, butter. By day three I could barely see and was walking into walls. It was terrifying. I called a 911 number and took me three days to think could it be the xanax. I called and they told me to get to the hospital asap because you can die from xanax withdrawal. I could not even get dressed, and live alone and had nobody to call. I finally thought to call the pharmacy (at this time I could not even dress myself and had been wide awake for three straight days) and he was like OMG.....he said you could have a heart attack. Since this pharmacist had filled my xanax for years, he sent someone to my apt. with a week's supply. I took one and immediately after 10 minutes felt normal again. I broke down crying and was so so angry that nobody, not one doctor had warned me about this. I even went to African and the Amazon Jungle with my xanax. The nearest medical help was at least 8-10 hours away. I shudder to think if I had lost my bottle., After that my primary refused to prescribe and I had to go to a psychiatrist and THEN they realized how addictive it was and now it is prescribed to take when needed, NOT every day. Dangerous. Now on it for over 20 years and went to three different specialists who told me it would be too hard to wean my body off it at this point so I am still on it. But I am so terrified that I always carry 1/2 bottle on me at all times in case I can't get home.

in reply to kearnan

Wow, I thought my experience was bad! I ended up taking klonazepan (sp?) for 6 months to address the Xanax. Long term use of that can be a problem too. Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac says it cost years of her life. So I slowly weaned myself off that in a controlled way with medical guidance. Like you, I was never warned. I’m so sorry you dealt with this.

Nmartinez15 profile image
Nmartinez15 in reply to

Be careful with clonazepam. My dad was taking for years and it cause damage to his heart. The doctor told him that one of the worse pills in the market. He almost need a peacemaker but the doctor told him that he needs to stop take the pills to see his heart go back to his normal. He stop and then when back to the doctor and his heart rate came back to normal. He heart was extremely slow and the doctor was very scare.

in reply to Nmartinez15

You are absolutely right. I was carefully prescribed klonazepan and closely supervised. I was carefully monitored as I weaned off of it. Only if you’re in a really bad way should this medicine be considered and then only for a brief period. Thank you for making this point clearer.

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to

At first, by the "specialist" I was put on both xanax and klonopin. Then my primary doc started prescribing them to me since I had been to a specialist. I asked him what the difference between the two drugs were and he said they basically are the same type so I said well then why do I need both of them. I said I would prefer to only take one. My primary doc then asked me which one I wanted to stay on. Not knowing anything, I just said Uh, I guess the xanax and I just stopped taking the klonopin. The xanax is short term. Meaning you feel the benefits much quicker but it also leaves your system quicker. So now I am taking 3 1mg. per day. I am in the am, one in the afternoon and one at night. I don't crave it (like an addict) and many times I forget my afternoon dose until I feel a tightness in my chest and then realize I missed a dose. I drove with a friend upstate 3 hours to visit and stay for a few nights with a mutual friend. I was there a few hours, having a great time, and then the tightness started real bad and I went to get my xanax and remembered I left it at the table. I started crying bc i knew I could not go three days without it or I would need to go to an ER. My other who drove me there know about my xanax and had seen what happened when I didn't have one on me the last time (but she only lived 1/2 hour way). We could not stay there as we planned. I felt awful but we had to drive home another 3 hours bc I forgot my xanax. It leaves the system quickly so your body reacts when it does not get its regular dosage and it is not pleasant. I was just prescribed it before they know how addictive it was and now its prescribed "to take as needed." If I had one wish, it would be that I never started on the xanax. Or, that it was prescribed to take as needed. It is NOT something to play with and if you can avoid taking every day, do it. I thought I was going to die and I thought it was a reaction to the cold medicine the dr. prescribed for me. It wasn't until the third day that I wondered about the xanax. They say xanax withdrawal is worse than heroin withdrawal. With heroin withdrawal, you feel like you want to die, with xanax withdrawal you can actually die. The weirdest and scariest withdrawal effect was my heightened sense of smell. I had an old, old, cheap peach air freshener that I had had on my wall in the bathroom for over a year (lazy). It was one of those $1.50 jobs and was empty and I had not smelled it ever. While going through the withdrawal, I went into my bathroom and all I could smell was the peach. Like there were thousands of peaches in my bathroom. I had to hold my nose. It was like I became one of those hound dogs. Afterwards I read heightened sense of small was a withdrawal effect.

LouisaMay profile image

Hi library2019, I walk lots through the day, try and meditate each day (I just do free guided ones off Youtube, very helpful for me) and take melatonin before bed (I can get a low dose from the supermarket when I'm in Spain). Since I added in the melatonin I sleep right through, which is luxury! Good luck in finding the best way forward for you.x

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to LouisaMay

My friend suggested meditation. It works for many but I know myself. My mind would just whirl around with all the bad things going on.

in reply to kearnan

I have a busy mind too. But a good free guided meditation app you can download onto your phone will help you through that. The voice over will remind you it is natural to have whirling thoughts and talks you through it. It’s really good about reminding me to breathe which is a good relaxer instead of being a shallow breather. Shallow breathing is what we do when we are stressed and busy. It’s unhelpful. I found an app that’s 5 minutes and helps. You should find one that has a voice and approach that works for you. It’s like perfume — it’s all very personal. Good luck.

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to

I may be close to being the only person in the USA, let alone the world that does NOT have a cell phone. I do not even know how to use one. I still have a landline LOL....You should people's reaction when I say I don't have a cell phone nor do I even know how to use it. They are like how do you live? I said I have a landline and if people want to call me and I am not home, they can leave me a voicemail on my machine. (I have no kids or family so I will never need anybody to get in touch with me). I have seen my friend who is a T-Mobile manager so gets the newest phones ever. We went on the cyclone in Coney Island and she had put it in her pocket. When we get off, she realized it was gone. (Of course the workers at the cyclone only came out with a shoe box of really cheap phones). My friend who was 40 at the time broke down hysterical crying like a family member had died. I said it's only a phone. She was hysterical saying You don't understand. My whole life and work is in that phone and I thought God, I never seen somebody break down like that over a phone. So I survive without one.

SusieIM profile image

Iv'e heard that ambien can help. I have had trouble sleeping for years. Four months ago, I started listening to a program called Revolutioner. It gives 12 mintues of varied classical music, with 10 Hz soundwaves to the brain. It is supposed to promote healing. I put my earphones on, listen to it when I first get up in the morning. I don't know how to explain it, but it is extremely relaxing. I sleep better now, my blood pressure has gone down. I started to get high blood pressure, sometimes 140-150. Now my average blood pressure is about 120. It costs about $20 a month. It does not claim to heal cancer but it does seem to promote healing. If you don't like classical music, then you wouldn't like it.


I don't have trouble sleeping unless it's hot or I am feeling stressed, but there is a lot you can do to help yourself. Have you tried having a soothing bath right before bed? I like to add Epsom salts and essential oils to the bath. Then if you allow your body time to cool off before getting into bed that will help. My husband just bought me a diffuser, and I tried it last night with a few drops of lavender essential oil. The only trouble with that was that it lit up, so I had to turn away from it in order to sleep. But it's worth trying a few natural methods if you do not want to pop a pill. I hope you get some relief soon.


Kathyquilts profile image

Medical marijuana has been a lifesaver. You don’t get high, you just relax. Sleep comes much quicker, and I sleep 7-8 hours.

msmuffintop profile image

I put on headphones and listen to hypnotic YouTube videos. I swear I am not making this up. There are zero side effects and it puts me to sleep. I do look pretty goofy in my headphones, but it works

Goodcat profile image

I have a prescription for medical marijuana. Indica is perfect as a sleep aid. Really bypasses my anxiety!!

Nmartinez15 profile image

My doctor wanted to prescribed anti depressive but I refute. I used to sleep like rock but cancer took my sleep away. I found that ginger root and cinnamon stick relax me and I gets very sleepy. It works like charm, but I start take Ibrance again and I having trouble to sleep again. I am going to add soursop tea to see if the combo works.

I am not fan to take drug for every single symptoms, so I like to try natural things before go that road.

mariootsi profile image

I take Remeron 7.5mg every night or I couldn't sleep. It is for anxiety and also helps with nausea from the Ibrance and helps with appetite. Otherwise i have no appetite.

I take 1mg of Ativan before bed. I sleep through the night. I have been on it for years, since my original cancer Dx in 2015. Never needed to increase the dosage and no negative side effects for me.

library2019 profile image
library2019 in reply to hopenowandtomorrow

Thanks I will ask about that when I go to Dr next week

LadyPastor profile image

I have a crazy sleep disorder that I have had long before my taking Ibrance. I spontaneously wake up an average of 10.5 times an hour. When I had my sleep study they thought they were going to find sleep apnea but I don't stop breathing. Currently I am taking 150 mil Amitriptyline. I also make sure I go to bed at about the same time and wake up (or get up and stop going back to sleep) at about the same time. My bedroom is dark and no tv or anything in my room other than a soothing cd playing something like waves or brooks trickling. During the summer I have a fan going. That is as much to block out the sounds outside like cars going by.

illini9 profile image

I try lots of things first - yoga for sleep, meditation, relaxing bath, and when I need it I take prescription Temazepam. Keeps me asleep all night and some nights I just need that straight through rest. Temperatures can keep me awake too - my husband found a thing called a bed jet which flows cool air through a sheet and that keeps me much more comfortable and helps me sleep. He likes it too as I don't have to freeze him out with the air con quite so much and he can run his side at his own temp.

Libra48 profile image
Libra48 in reply to illini9

I purchased a cooling pillow and it helps too.

Barbteeth profile image

Hi there

I take 10 mg amitriptyline...sleep with earplugs and a sleep mask ( not a good look!!)

I have a waterbed so can change the temperature which helps

Barb xx

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