Does anyone have the worst fatigue on the week off of ibrance. It makes no sense but it is the worst for me. Thoughts ????
Off week: Does anyone have the worst... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Off week

My worst fatigue is the last few days of Ibrance into the first few days of the week off. I have about two days during that time where I feel almost as if I have the flu. I have a friend who says the week off is when she feels the worst. I'm not sure why it works this way.
I usually feel my best on my week off. My 3rd week is when I’m most fatigued, some days it’s overwhelming but I just listen to my body and get extra rest
No mine was when I was 3 weeks on..the Ibrance. Then my rest week was fare better until they want to give me treatment on the off week for bone stregthner and anti estrogen. So that week sucked with pain and hot flashes.
Hi, Marianne88! I commented to my medical oncologist about this same thing and it does make sense. The week you're off the Ibrance is the week you are detoxing. That's why they give you one week off, so it makes sense that that is when you would be the most tired. I know I actually feel "perkier" when I go back on my Ibrance and look forward to it!
For the 3 weeks I’m on ibrance I feel pretty good. I dread the week off. My oncologist said the same thing your body is detoxing that week. But everyone’s body reacts different so who knows.
I agree with the above comments. I felt awful my week off when I was on Ibrance. I am now on Afinitor/Aromasin. Not as tiring but it has it's own set of
I’m pretty good the first couple of weeks. The third week or starts going down hill. By the Thursday or Friday of my off week i have usually rebounded. I’ll take it though. Right now seems to be working. I have done 4 cycles and just for the results from my PET two days ago. Improvement in previous active spots noted. Yippee and thank you Lord.
Hi Marianne88. I was on Ibrance for 18 months and it did work wonders on my bones, but I must admit that being on the highest dosage, 125 mg. the “resting” week, was very painful and felt very tired, I agree with the above replies; white b c. Do have a hard time working their way up every end of cycle, so that’s why we feel so tired and energy sucked out. Now with 2 new spots on my liver, my onc. Switched me to Xeloda, with 14 days meds, 1 week off and so on, this time no pain , but very tired,! Wish all the best and hope it’ll get better as it goes kicking in. God bless you specially
I have 3-4 days where I drag myself around and try to do things. But it ends up I take a nap or take it really easy those days. It's frustrating when you have a lot of things to do!
Yes, I agree, I do t feel good at all on my week off. I feel run down and sick.