I wanted to hear your experience with swollen lymph nodes. So about 2 weeks ago I was very stressed and my right lymph node began to flare up. My right side is incidentally the side where I had my breast cancer. So as I mentioned my right lymph node got swollen, little by little until I could feel it, it’s like a little ball. So I started doing stretching exercises and took some aleve to alleviate pain on my right shoulder (which also flares up when I get stressed). So thankfully my right lymph node healed 🙏🏽 I no longer feel it when I self-exam myself.
Now this morning as I’m dressing I feel my left node a bit swollen🤯
I’m trying to think of possible reasons. I haven’t been getting enough sleep this week. What else can be causing this?
Someone told me that black seed oil helps with inflammation or Cbd? Have any of you tried any of these? And please have you experienced this during your cancer journey?
I’m trying to stay positive as much as I can because honestly that’s all I can do. I’m only a year abs half out of treatment and I get so scared so scared about recurrence. I cannot experience the fear that I feel but I pray and hope that my treatment worked and that this is just a hiccup.
Thank you ladies for always being a guiding light in the moments when I’ve felt so low.