I’ve been on letrozole for 3 months. Suddenly my blood pressure is 163/89 for most of the day. I’m 76 but my blood pressure is generally 125/65 to a high of 143/76. I’ve been wearing a watch monitor and at first I thought it was a mistake, but it’s the same everyday. Anyone else have this problem? Otherwise just hot flashes that come and go.
Letrozole and blood pressure - SHARE Breast Canc...
Letrozole and blood pressure

I have been on Letrazole since the beginning of January this year. I was aware of lots of possible side effects, but for the first two months I had none. Then, when I needed a repeat prescription, I noticed it was a different brand. Same drug and dose, just from a different company. After a week on those I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours a night and could hardly walk for the pain in my knees.
Now I have had another delivery of my drugs and noticed I have gone back to the original brand of Letrazole. I started taking those on Saturday and have had two full nights sleep and the pain is going from my knees.
Sorry this is such a long reply, but it’s really just to say if you were ok for the first couple of months maybe you should check if your latest supply are by the same company or if your pharmacist had to change.
I have read a lot of people have bad reactions to some brands but are fine with others. Good luck! 🎈
Thank you Rags. Good advice. It’s kind of scary to be at the mercy of pill suppliers. So often we doubt ourself first. Hard when one tiny pill is our lifeline that we must take to be safer. I’ll try calling my pharmacist today. Merci and be safe.
Don’t be fobbed off Paradise. Too many patients have made reference to these different side effects from different brands for it not to be taken seriously. If you were ok with your first supply and only recently had these problems I would try and make a note of the good brand versus the bad brand. Good luck!
Joint pain is the worst. I take Tumeric with cumin & when I don’t I can tell. 1000 mg day. Helps everything. It helps inflammation & I was told inflammation is what causes all Illnesses. Good luck & hugs.
My doctors told me to take blood pressure at night instead of morning. It worked. I’m 68.