Greetings! I'm so over this whole situation. I was optimistic after meeting with my surgeon Tuesday last. After 6 of 12 chemo treatments my tumor has shrunk by half. The plan was to continue with the treatments to further shrink the tumor, have a smaller surgery and be done with this insanity by May. Thursday I was getting ready for my weekly treatment and became short of breath and had chest pain. I ended up in the back of an ambulance to the ER and an overnight stay at the hospital. CAT scan showed no blood clots. Friday morning they did a heart catheterization (fun fun 😭) and found no major blockages. I see the cardiologist tomorrow, he's trying to get me in for a heart MRI. I'm being told I may have "broken heart syndrome" ...I can see that, but that's another long story unrelated to my diagnosis,lol.
My fingers are cold and numb, my feet are always cold, I can't regulate my body temp, too hot or freezing, I'm lightheaded (probably the 4 new meds for heart) I just don't want to do this anymore. I'm trying to stay positive but I am so tired of being sick. Here is a link to something that always makes me laugh when I start complaining about things: from another sister warrior, Gilda Radner.
Thanks for listening! Blessings!