I was told that there is a vaccine for mbc, do anyone know if this is true? I have been praying and praying for this to happen. It's right around the corner, I hope and pray this is true.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
True or false: I was told that there is... - SHARE Breast Canc...
True or false
A vaccine would be great for mbc, I have not heard of it. Vaccines are great for prevention not once you contact a disease. Just like when your kids you get them so if you come in contact with say chicken pox’s. Vaccines don’t help once you get a disease. It would be great for any women that gets breast cancer to get a vaccine for mbc if it excised, I have not heard of one yet.
There is a clinical trial in place to look at a vaccine for MBC. You can google this to find the specifics.
Yes when your not already stage 4! That’s great for women who are not yet staged. A vaccine only works when you are not yet exposed. Like vaccine for chicken pox, a vaccine does no good if you have chicken pox. Or HIV vaccine is great if you haven’t been exposed. If your high risk get a vaccine. I didn’t think I was high risk for Breast Cancer, to late once your straight stage 4. But I still can’t believe everyone women with breast cancer wouldn’t be getting that trial, or trying. I hope it’s true, since they have no idea how mbc hides or starts I think it’s almost impossible for vaccine.