Many people avoid getting tested because they are worried about insurance or employers finding out. There are many ways to be tested confidentially, and just having a test will not affect your insurance. Like many illnesses, it's better to know early so get tested!
How confidential is HIV testing? - Sexual Health Mat...
Sexual Health Matters
How confidential is HIV testing?
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Confidential does not mean private or restricted. It just means is will be shared with people who need to know. This is governed by legislation and there are already many loopholes which allow for confidential information to be shared to other people not involved in your care. Many parts of the NHS and the government are no covered by data protection in the same way as you or I. Exemptions already exist and new exemptions are created all the time, usually by a single decision by Secretary of State,
Yes I can testify to this having contracted HIV on my 20th birthday. This was in January 1996 and whilst it was life changing, it ultimately saved mine and the girl's life as well as possibly others that we may have unwittingly passed it on to.
Burying your head in the sand is rarely a good decision, ESPECIALLY when concerning your sexual health!