I’m a 53 year old male and out the blue I had a heart attack just over 2 weeks ago. I was taken to hospital and a stent was put in.
Like many of the experiences I’ve read about, it was the shock of it and getting my head round it as much as anything. Which I think I’m still doing to be honest. Having read other posts though I feel much happier knowing that’s fairly normal.
Before it I exercised regularly both at the gym and while looking after my 5 year old niece which was the best type of exercise. My diet wasn’t the worst or the best so I’ve been advised to make some small changes such as grill more instead of fry, more fruit and veg, etc which I’m doing. I was also told I cannot drive for 4 weeks which I of course understand, but for someone that’s used to driving a lot that’s been another real challenge to get used to.
Since the procedure, my system took a little getting used to the medication though that, in the main, seems to have settled down. Most days I feel good and almost feel like a fake because it’s not like a cold or flu where I have visible signs of anything such as being bunged up, cough and/or generally feeling lousy. I usually have two or three walks daily currently which I do at a slow pace for me and they last on average around a minimum of 30 mins and max of around 60 mins. Sometimes I feel slightly breathless and tired after, but that could be going from the heat of inside to the cold as much as anything. Other times I feel completely ok. Outside of that I do some light chores at home. I enjoy the exercise and generally feel better moving about though I know I need to walk before I can run.
I’m sleeping ok though some nights everything goes through my mind and I struggle to go over and then sometimes have a restless sleep.
My first rehab chat is due next week so I’m looking forward to building my confidence, as it all plays with your head, and getting a plan of doing more with a view to getting me safely back to more like the exercise I was doing before. As much as I enjoy exercise I do still feel very nervous…..over thinking it probably, but I’m sure the rehab team will help
My concern at the moment is I was given a sick note for my work for 4 weeks so it runs out at the end of next week. I know my situation is nowhere as bad as some people have unfortunately experienced, but I really don’t feel ready to go back to work (which was 9-5 office job albeit we currently work from home some days) aswell as starting rehab and starting to drive again all at the same time. It just seems a bit overwhelming. But then I wonder if that’s me just being silly. I think I’d feel happier if I had a period of having been actually doing rehab and back to driving first before also adding work back on top.
Has anyone had same situation/anxieties or am I just over thinking it?