I am new and live in USA. I have never known anyone with sarcoidosis. I have a niece who has lupus. They diagnosed me with sarcoidosis due to enlarged lymph nodes in my chest and a shadow on my lung. The lymph nodes have not increased nor gotten any larger. I have RLS, bowel problems, HBP, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism, urinary issues, all of which I take meds for. I also take vitamin and mineral supplements. Had a complete hysterectomy in 1981. I have neuropathy in my feet and experience a lot of pain. I have had frequent falls due to the problem with my feet. I am a 74 yo female.
Shirlme: I am new and live in USA. I have... - SarcoidosisUK

Hi, you seem to have a lot of things going on! Which on doing research for my diagnosis seems to be the problem, Sarcoidosis is the condition but seems to manifest it-self in other ways, the other problem I have come across is that most doctors specialise in a subject such as: 'oncology', 'eyes', 'lungs' and of course 'urology' and so it goes on, but it seems that sarcoidosis may affect any part of your body not just the lungs? This is a web page I came across from an NHS Hospital in the UK rbht.nhs.uk/patients/condit...
which I found very enlightening.... Worth a read
Keep well Peter
Hi Shirlme and Everyone else who has contributed. Sorry to hear of your struggles with sarcoidosis. SarcoidosisUK are here to support you in whatever ways we can. For instance we run support group, have a Nurse Helpline and information leaflets. Please find more information on these services and more on our website here: sarcoidosisuk.org and get in touch. Best wishes, Jack, SarcoidosisUK
Hi Shirlmea you are having a bad time you just told me something I didn’t realize was bowl probs with RLS I have a few probs with that also but never associated it with RLS learn something every day ,don’t know whether that’s good or bad, hope you get some of your probs sorted