arrg,i don't get why my medicines are not working .it is actually worse,it has been a few nights now ,i take 2 pills instead of one like gp said but i have even pain in my arms now .any ideas?
enough: arrg,i don't get why my... - Restless Legs Syn...

Sleepdeprived, i cant remember what you take....can you say please...
If its any concilation i also didnt sleep last night...i have been in a bad place all day....
I haven't slept for days, I can't cope anymore with the CONSTANT shaking, twitiching, arms jumping - I ache all over...I've just been prescribed citalopram - it seems to be making things worse...
evianfan, no wonder things are worse for you, citalopram is a anti-depressant and those can make the RLS worse. Go back to you doctor and tell him/her. I dont know if this will work on here but go look at this website and you will find a page which tell you of what meds to avoid including most of the anti-d's is a good website and run by a doctor who specialises in RLS.
hi elisse i take pramipexole.last night was not too bad ,i think because my flat is getting redecorated make me stress.
hi evianfan,i am sorry but i understand i know it does not help so...i don't know about ur medicine never took that one ,maybe just leave it a few days to see if it works .
i took a very hot shower tonight hopefully it will help .
Hi, sleepdeprived, stress can have an effect on RLS for some people. Hot baths and showers can help for some too. Hope things have improved now for you...i also sometimes get the RLS in one of my arms and the back of the shoulder....drives me mad...would rather have it just in my legs, at least you can walk it off....
I've left off taking the citalopram for 2 nights now and there has been a definite improvement...they're going straight into the bin!