Doctors advice from specialist, stop Ropinirole, subscribe Nortriptyline, increase Melatonin to 4mg
Nortriptyline: Doctors advice from... - Restless Legs Syn...

Oh my word. Education of GPs and neurologists is needed NOW.Nortryptiline is a tricyclical anti depressant used off licence for Nerve pain.
It worsens RLS. It's on the list of medications to avoid on EVERY RLS website. Anti depressants are listed on NHS and NICE websites as triggers for RLS.
Also melatonin worsens RLS.
So go back to your GP.
Show him the NHS & NICE and RLS-UK websites. Tell him anti depressants ( except trazodone and wellbutrin) WORSEN RLS.
Melatonin worsens RLS.
Consider writing a complaint to RCGPs and the Surgery.
It just isn't good enough!
He will not have been taught anything about RLS. BUT he can use google like the rest of the population!
The withdrawal schedule for RLS is set out on RLS-UK website under Useful Resources.
Reduce by 0.25mg every 2 weeks.
If your GP actually wants to help you- tell him to read the new NICE cks guidance and RLS-UK website.
He needs to give you 30mg codeine or 50mg tramadol or 10mg oxycodone for 4 or 5 nights to settle the severe RLS at every reduction of Ropinirole.
Unfortunately there are very very few specialists/neurologists in the UK who are up-to-date on RLS: both nortryptiline and melatonin make RLS worse for most. You need to follow previously given advice by Joolsg and SueJohnson, and if you do your condition will improve.
Can you change GP surgery? Your surgery has consistently treated you appallingly and negligently. They refused iron supplements when your ferritin is below 75ųg, even though NHS and NICE guidance require supplements.They have now negligently prescribed Nortryptiline against NHS and NICE advice.
And melatonin worsens RLS for the overwhelming majority.
You are in your 70s. You need proper help and advice.
Please complain. This just isn't good enough.
I have complained in a online consultation very much so!
It is very depressing that a 'specialist' has given such negligent advice.Neurologists are not taught anything about RLS either!.
Show your GP surgery the RLS-UK website which lists medications to avoid.
The NHS and NICE cks guidance websites also state that anti depressants like Amitriptyline and Nortryptiline should be avoided. They are used off licence for nerve pain. But nerve pain is NOT RLS.
I'm so worried about the negligent advice you have received that I've sent you a message via Chat with the email and free phone number for call her. She will act for you on a no win/no fee basis.
Tell your GP that you have consulted medical negligence solicitors as the GP advice and the specialist advice is contrary to NHS and new NICE cks guidance and goes against ALL knowledgeable websites and expert knowledge on RLS.
This is very dangerous.