Hi everyone.
Once again I want to thank you all so much for your advice regarding RLS and buprenorphine.
I won't go over our journey so far, but to cut a long story short. My husband was on DA for many years until the dreaded augmentation.
We had the past year fighting for the buprenorphine patch. After a long battle his GP reluctantly agreed to prescribe. It's been magic ever since. It's a miracle drug really.
But the thing is, whilst all this was happening, a nhs neurology app was made, and after about 1.5 years, it's finally come through.
Now we've chatted about it and we think it's a good idea to get a neurologist to also agree with the GP about his buprenorphine. As that'll reassure them that it's OK to continue to prescribe.
But due to previous experience, the neurology app is sending my anxiety into a panic. We're expecting a fight and for the neurologist to say use DA (which is not happening).
We've tried every single medicine before this, so its not like we've started at buphrenorphine. Plus he's been on it for a while now and apart from some irritated skin the rls has been at bay.
I know no one here will have the answer, and im posting due to my own anxiety, but has anyone actually managed to get a good nhs neurologist? (Hosp is derby royal)
Or does anyone have any words of support ?
I know i don't have rls, but I've seen the struggle he went through and the idea of them taking it away is just too much.
Again sorry for the rambling anxiety post!