hubby has been doing well on 5 mg meth and a .5 mg Xanax at night. His neck pain is really bad and his doc wants him to take a medral pack (steroid). Does this med worsen RL?
medral pack: hubby has been doing well... - Restless Legs Syn...
medral pack

Steroids should be fine.
My RLS became unctrollable when I went on Medrol pack earlier this year. It was only a 5-day course (I had to beg my surgeon to reduce it from the normal 14 day course), but it was awful, spreading to my arms. My RLS is normally controlled by 1 to 2 tablets of acetaminophen-codeine #3 taken as needed at night, but it no longer worked at all.
That said, not everyone reacts the same way to anything when it comes to RLS, so your husband's experience may be very different. But if a local steroid injection is a possibility, I would opt for that, rather than pills. Best of luck.
Steriods are always a huge trigger for me. Medrol packs have meant no sleep for the 5 days course until I am so exhausted I fall asleep on my feet but then I wake up in a few minutes as my legs start to jerk again. They can work temporarily but often the pain returns when the dose is finished. I will never take them again unless I am close to death. I have read in multiple sources that they can be an RLS trigger. Local steroid injections can also make thing worse but certainly not as much and for a shorter 1-2 day time. But neck injections are really very risky. Have you considered PRP? Or botox (that was somewhat effective for me) Or PT? Or massage? Or chiropractic? Or acupuncture? Or high dose turmeric? Has he had a MRI to locate the source of the pain?