A bit of back story: I am currently attempting to wean of the Neupro patch 1mg under the direction of Dr. Berkowski. After a trial of buprenorphine (the lowest dose patch made me insufferably sleepy and nauseous), I am trying liquid methadone. Currently I am at 2mL methadone, taking off the patch at 2pm and replacing it at 6pm. A series of illnesses, including C. diff, which seriously disrupted my GI tract, have caused me to be more susceptible to nausea, so I'm inching up on the methadone. It doesn't cover the RLS, though I imagine things would be much worse without it. I am unable to take pregabalin or gabapentin.
Even before tapering, I would have breakthrough symptoms of RLS. These would usually resolve with a dose of Hyland's "Restful Legs," a homeopathic remedy from Walmart that has arsenicum alba as its chief ingredient. From what I can find on-line, there is a risk of arsenic poisoning over time, but the directions just say, "repeat every four hours as needed."
As I move proceed with tapering, there are nights when two doses are needed... and no way am I waiting four hours. I am concerned though, that even though it works, it may be a bad idea to be taking so much. (Pramipexole and Neupro worked, at first, and I wish I'd never taken them!)
Dr. Berkowski is unfamiliar with arsenicum use for RLS and is concerned about toxicity. Has anyone else here used it? Thoughts on the risks?
Thanks in advance for your help.