Hi, lately I have been going through a very difficult time with my physical problems. I am suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and have frequent severe cramps after eating something disagreeable. The anticholinergic or antispasmodic med Hyoscyamine Sulf 0.125 mg worsens my restless legs big time. I am wondering if anyone here has knowledge for a medication which is friendly with RLS. Sue or Joolsg or anyone please. I'd appreciate very much in advance to resolve my constant abdominal cramp issue without exacerbating my RLS. Thanks.
antispasmodic medication for irritabl... - Restless Legs Syn...
antispasmodic medication for irritable bowel syndrome

I have no personal experience of bowel spasms, but I do have MS spasms everywhere else. I use medical cannabis for them and it works better than the anti spasmodic baclofen.For MS bladder spasms I have occasionally used buscopan and it didn't worsen RLS.
I also take Symprove daily and many people with IBS report huge improvements. You could try it. It costs around £50 a month.
Pregabalin also helps my MS spasms, so a small dose ( 25-50mg) may help the IBS spasms.
Hi Jools ,I have IBS and take a pre and prebiotic (have for years) but it doesn't help. Is there something specific about Symprove that helps?
My daughter had serious gut issues after a salmonella infection. She saw a gastro enterologist and he said there were only 2 probiotics worth taking. Symprove and VSL. Symprove worked brilliantly for her so we started taking it.There have been scientific trials proving its effectiveness.
I also take Symprove daily has helped enormously, little need now for Buscopan, but when taken in the past no impact on RLS.
I have colitis, rls and bile acid malabsorbtion. I have been taking mebeverine for the past couple months and seems to be helping 🤞. Worth research for you? Hope this helps 🙏 ☺️
IBS mostly the consequence of SIBO and SIBO could be the reason of your other health issues, including RLS. Have you had a lactulose breath test?
I also have IBS and RLS. For IBS i follow the FodMap diet. It is a diet developed in Australia many years ago. It also has an app, making it easier. It has made a world of difference for me.