I posted a couple of weeks ago that I suspected Tamsulosin was the cause of RLS that had started to become a nightly event. I stopped taking Tamsulosin and had a clear run of 18 nights without RLS, brilliant, decent night's sleep, cracked it, I thought. Then, for the last 6 nights, it's back again. OK, it coincides with the abnormal temperatures we have at the moment, but can that be a trigger? If temperatures go back to normal, will the RLS subside again? I've got a few more moves to try, no effect yet from taking mag glycinate but maybe too early to tell (just a week taking it). Is Atorvastatin also a suspect? Do the benefits outweigh the negatives (AF sufferer)? I'll keep battling away but as ever, any experiences or advice always welcome.
Return of RLS: I posted a couple of... - Restless Legs Syn...
Return of RLS

Heat can definitely be a trigger for some.
All statins make RLS worse for most. Nexlizet (Nustendi (UK) is a cholesterol lowering drug that is not a statin, but I don’t know if it exacerbates RLS symptoms. Ezetimibe (Zetia) - reduces cholesterol although It doesn't reduce cholesterol as fast as the statins, but according to Chris Columbus it didn't trigger his RLS and then there is Triglide which seems safe. You might want to discuss these with your doctor. A more difficult way to reduce cholesterol is to go vegan. My husband lowered his cholesterol from 221 to 131 this way.
Just realized I already told you this, but yes the Atorvastatin is a suspect.
Just wanted to add , I take tamsulosin (generic Flowmax).
It doesn’t affect my RLS at all (thank goodness!) if I don’t take it, I would be up all night peeing every hour. Tamsulosin is one of the only drugs I rake that does what it is supposed to do with no side effects.
Can I just check if you take it morning or evening? My GP prescribed mine to be taken 6 - 8 pm although leaflet says take after breakfast. Side effect of not taking at all is, as you say, peeing every other hour at night. Thinking of trying it again but as per leaflet.
I take it at night usually at bed time. I saw that in the leaflet as well, but my Doctor said it is better to take at night, to help me through the night. Lately the tamsulusin is lasting 24 hours. I recently discussed increasing the dose with my Doctor.
I really don't think it affects my RLS at all.
Sorry I don't know much about you. Have you checked your iron levels, morning fasted full iron panel? Lately I have been having good luck with Taurine and Glycine in my coffee in the morning and tea at night.
Sorry, I don't take statins. I do eat a LOT of eggs though. Almost everyday.