My RLS hasvirtually disappeared with 50/100mgs of Tramadol, but l still have difficulty getting of to sleep. In fact the longer l lie in bed unable to sleep, the. more likely my RLS comes back. I have been taking Gabapentin 300mgs 30 mins before going to bed and this has solved the problem. I’m 67 with no respiratory or cardiac problems. Very well and active, Also been taking Citalopram 40mg in the morning for decades. Any advise about this drug combo? Welcome any views. Susan
Tramadol and Gabapentin? : My RLS... - Restless Legs Syn...
Tramadol and Gabapentin?

I'm glad you have found relief. Citalopram is known to worsen RLS.It could be the cause of your symptoms .Safe alternative according to the RLS Foundation is serzone. It may be that you don't need an antidepressant now.
Tramadol can cause opioid alerting/insomnia and gabapentin is sedating, so will counter the insomnia. Both work well for RLS.Citalopram is known as a trigger for RLS. All SSRI and SNRI anti depressants and sedating anti histamines worsen RLS.
Safe options are trazodone and wellbutrin, but wellbutrin was withdrawn from the UK recently.
If you need the Citalopram for depression, discuss a switch to trazodone with your doctor. If you take it for anxiety, you may find the gabapentin helps with that.
Hi Susan. I have taken Tramadol SR 100mg for nearly 15yrs with excellent results. I went to collect my prescription a few months back and got talking to the pharmacist who also had RLS, and he confirmed that he also takes Tramadol and finds it’s the only medication that also works for him.
I have also recently started taking Magnesium supplements which I know has positive results for some on this forum.
Hope this helps.
I’m a 79 year old male and I’ve had RLS for around 30 years. The first 10 years were a problem but then a new doctor had me take Tramadol. I started with 100 mg a day and all was good. As the years went by my dosage went up to 300 mg a day and everything was still good. Then they decided that Tramadol was an opioid and it was harder to get. I moved to a different state and it was really hard to get 100 mg of Tramadol . Then I went to a sleep clinic doctor and he gave me 100 mg of Tramadol and 1 mg of Pramipexole and all is good again. I’ve been taking both for two years now and back to sleeping again. Hope it last .