what medication can I take that will not make my RLS worse
Suffering with anxiety and depression - Restless Legs Syn...
Suffering with anxiety and depression

I had a phone appt with my Doctor, to talk about my anxiety and depression. I requested to go on some medication after fighting it off for years. I told her about SSRI medications but she wants me to try
Sertraline 50 mg which is a low dosage. I start tomorrow morning. She said just because some people with rls have problems with this, doesn't mean I will. So I will give it a go. What do you think.
You can certainly try it. 5 to 9% of people find it makes their RLS worse, so there is a good chance it won't make yours worse.
Hi im on sertraline and bupromorphine and it doesnt seem to make it worse im on 150mg sertraline
The Doctor has started me on 50mg Sertraline. I am still feeling gidgy and nauseous. What dosage did u start on? And how long did it take to be effective. Thanks Julie.
Hi Jules,
Sertraline is listed as one of the medications to avoid and is listed under Medications to Avoid in the attached link. rls-uk.org/treatment I note Palamino does not find it makes symptoms worse but we are all different.
Wellbutrin is known to be safe with RLS.
Hi ive been on it for a few years now 150mg ive lowered it at times to 50mg when feeling better . I still have restless legs i use bupromorphine which is great but if i leave too long between doses of the bupromorphine my legs start ao the sertraline could be making it worse until i come off it i wont know
Thanks for your message, I have been on 50mg Sertraline for 9 days now. So far it has not made my RLS worse. The Sertraline has not had a chance to be effective as yet, so I am still experiencing the depression and anxiety.
I take 2 x Temgesic each night for my RLS . Temgesic is low dosage of Buprenorphine. They are placed under the tongue to dissolve. Each tablet is 0.2mg of Buprenorphine.
Mine are the same but 0.4mg itake ine in morn and ine at nite sometime s 2 they work well . It takes time for the sertraline to work but if your worried about your Rls then maybe change. My daughter is suffering with Rls now to she is in her 30 s. But she is now on sertraline for post natal depression its helped alot but i have noticed her Rls is worse . Were all different i suppose but hang in there maybe speak to your doctor again not all of them know much about Rls ive found you have to teach them !!
Thanks very much for your reply, so sorry to hear your daughter is suffering with RLS . Does she take buprenorphine also?
I have to be very careful with what I eat and drink of an evening also. As anything sugary sets my legs off. Also food additives and preservatives affect me. And of course no alcohol. I seldom eat bread now too.
At least your daughter can benefit from all the knowledge you can pass on.
Wishing you both all the best. Julie from Western Australia.
Hi no she s only had codiene from doctor she s at the beginning of it all . I had to go through alot of other drugs before they d give me bupromorphine. Ive built up a tolerance towards strong pain killer's now but codiene does her for now . Yes at keast i have lots of knowledge now that i didnt have when i was younger . I still eat what i like generally lifes roo short bot to enjoy some things and the bupromorphine does the trick. Good luck take care xx