Has anyone else recognized a seasonal pattern to their RLS symptoms? Over the years I always seem to struggle with breakthrough symptoms more often in springtime than other parts of the year. I'm wondering if it's a grass or weed pollen issue or simply that I tend to restart more vigorous activities after a sedentary winter. Maybe both, So spring is my bugaboo. Anyone else notice a particular part of the year where RLS symptoms are worse?
Seasonal RLS flare ups: Has anyone else... - Restless Legs Syn...
Seasonal RLS flare ups

I'm wondering if you take antihistamines at that time?
I used to in my early twenties long ago but not anymore. I think it's more the reintroduction of sports I like to play. Tennis and pickleball. I tend to play like I'm in shape even though I'm not. So my legs feel it for a month or so until they get acclimated. Any soreness or joint pain always makes my symptoms worse.
nope! but I live in a very warm country
I would guess that seasonal flare ups are due to dietary change. As the weather warms up we may be tempted to cold drinks more than coffee or tea, and the cold drinks are usually sweetened ones and I've found that inflammation from the resulting raised insulin is the cause of RLS in many cases.
Exercise is my main trigger so increased exercise in spring definitely sounds possible and it’s definitely a factor for me. I find the effects of exercise last a day or two and then I might get a good night. It doesn’t seem seasonal as far as I can tell.
My RLS takes off October/November and I cannot find any logical reason for this. I recorded activity level, food, stress levels etc with no obvious cause but it gets worse at the same time each year. It generally improves February each year and is tolerable with Gabapentin and Tramadol.
It's certainly true that vigorous exercise tends to make RLS symptoms worse in many. But moderate exercise helps many.