Is anyone experiencing weight gain with dopamine antagonists meds?
Weight Gain with RLS Medication - Restless Legs Syn...
Weight Gain with RLS Medication
Yes! Years ago they tried gaba and another similar. Within 2 weeks instant 10 pounds. No thank you. The other rx made me get hallucinations and sleep walking. No more.
Have you considered coming off your dopamine agonist and switching to gabapentin? Up to 70% of people will eventually suffer augmentation according to the Mayo Clinic Updated Algorithm on RLS which believe me you don't want because it can be hell to come off it and the longer you are on it, the harder it will be to come off it. Check out the Mayo Clinic Updated Algorithm on RLS which discusses augmentation and the latest guidelines on RLS treatment.
Weight gain comes from eating to much carbohydrate. Carbohydrate raises blood sugar which is inflammatory and the inflammation can affect the nerves which causes rls. Change your diet and you will lose weight and eliminate the rls.
She won't lose it if she is on a certain amount of a DA. Trust me.
Absolutely! I put on a good 15-20 lbs while on the DA's and nothing I did made the number budge much. I did not make the correlation at all, until I finally got off of the DA's last August. The weight melted off of me, even when I wasn't trying! At one point this past winer, I thought I must have cancer or something dreadful! But, no, I realized it was getting off ROP and PRAM.
You shouldn't be taking them anyway and you are clearly going to the wrong doctor. They are not considered the first line of defense. First thing is to get your ferritin way way up with an iron infusion (easy and the fastest) or supplements. Then see where you are.
Perhaps read some of my posts since last August, during which time I had to use an opioid to get off of the DA's (which is standard with top docs these days but it's better to not have to resort to that).
Or, read dozens/hundreds of other posts on this forum and educate yourself about the horrors of DA's, drug and supplement options, and RLS triggers. Also, see SueJohnson's post above.