Now that we know you are still a member under a new user name, we know you are reading all the posts that tell how helpful you have been to the community and how much we all miss you. And we can't find your previous posts that summarize all your great knowledge. Even if you want to take a break, can't you please return to your old user name so we can find these posts.
Manerva - Please come back: Now that we... - Restless Legs Syn...
Manerva - Please come back
If you leave you can’t come back with a previously used user name. He is back, thankfully. If you look at recent posts you’ll soon spot him, helping everyone as usual.
Manerva knows what he's doing/done and so leaving the forum was a definite decision of his. Whatever his reason for leaving let's just be glad that he is back and give him support and not any grief. We are all in this together and negative posts are not what is needed (I'm alluding to the possible reason as to why he left). Manerva's input has been a real help to so many folk and I'm really, really pleased to hear that he's back.
any posts from Manerva are so welcomed!
Why come back with a new user name? I find this confusing and now difficult to trust this site as I thought members were honest enough to own what they say and be accountable.