I have noticed if I am very angry or scared my rls and body ache temporarily goes away. I wish it didnt because I want my doc to see how bad I feel but nerves from going to doc make it clear up while I'm there.
Nerves / anger: I have noticed if I am... - Restless Legs Syn...
Nerves / anger

I suggest you get several TV's and leave Fox, BBC, and other 24 hr news channels on, 24 hrs.
On a serious note maybe start with keeping a diary, a brief one, detailing what you are experiencing. That could be used to show the ups and downs of your suffering.
Has your RLS been diagnosed by your GP or another Dr?

Rls diag from sleep dr/neurologist. Currently taking 50mg tramadol / 400mg gabapentin 4 times a day. Before "opiate epidemic" I had twice the tramadol. I have been doing poorly since. I have a flu like ache all over and insane insomnia and rls (locations change legs, arms, shoulders). After pills were reduced I lost my career of 18 years repairing medical equipment. I was denied disability and lost my house. Rls has ruined my life. I have litterally tried every drug used to treat rls and tram/Gaba is the only thing that works. Klonapin seemed to help but I started having nuralogical problems while on it (dragging right foot when walking, catching shoulder on door frames, knoking thing off tables with hips, as well as memory problems). I had it under control for over 10 years before meds were reduced. Used to repair life support equipment now in afraid to even drive.

I find anything that stimulates adrenaline tends to suppress the RLS symptoms. Unfortunately, as a bit of a thrill seeker, adrenaline hits are increasingly hard to come by at 11 o’clock at night...
You want to try getting in bed with my Mrs then ask for some intamacy....!
If with being angry, with being feared
You find your symptoms disappeared
Don’t be worried
Just be happy
At least you don’t need a nappy.
Before you see your doctor, then
Take up a pencil, take a pen,
Write your symptoms
Write them well.
Then to your doctor you can them tell
If he disbelieves or if he doubts
If he squints his eyes and pouts
Show your writing
It might make him listen
Then a tear or two in his eye might glisten.
Then after this moment he might say
I don’t want money, I don’t want pay
It might be your iron
I hope we’re agreed
A blood test for ferritin is what you need.
He’ll look in your record and then he can see
If it is not possible or if it could be
There is something else
Some medicine you’re taking
That to your RLS is exacerbating.
Then, I’ll give you some medicine, I’ll give you some pills
But not ones based on custom as old as the hills.
I’ll gives one I know
Without hesitation
Don’t cause the problems like augmentation.
As raffs says, write down your symptoms in as much detail as possible saying what they're like, when they happen, what makes them worse and what relieves them and what effect they have on your life. Tell your doctor.
If you've not had blood tests before ask for serum iron, transferrin and ferritin. IF your ferritin is below 75ug/L you may benefit from taking an oral iron supplement. This is the very first thing that should be looked at for anybody with RLS.
You can discuss if there's any either medicines that you're taking that might be making your RLS worse. It might be good to know what these are before you see the doctor, then it can be discussed whether it is possible you can stop these or find alternatives.
If you've not had medications for RLS before and the doctor suggests medication, discuss the options first and ask about the longer term complications of taking any. Don't accept any prescription immediately before finding out more.