I've been without my daily dose age of Tramadol 200mgs slow release since Friday morning and I'm in so much pain.
what are the symptoms of long term us... - Restless Legs Syn...
what are the symptoms of long term use of Tramadol and cold turkey withdrawal

Sorry to hear of this, I presume you ran out of tramadol and it's the weekend and all being well can get some tomorrow.
I've never taken tramadol myself but I believe that pain is not an unusal withdrawal effect, possibly headaches, abdominal cramps and other muscle and joint pains.
If you were taking it for RLS, then RLS symptoms will occur too.
I can only suggest that if you have any available, paracetamol and codeine may help a little.

I spoke to my Doctor this morning and they couldn't apologies enough for their mistake they forgot to give it to me with my other repeat meds. Now on a scheduled tapering off as I never want to go through that ever again.
I too have been taking 200 mg of Tramadol for almost 4 years now. We moved to a different state and I went Without Tramadol for a week before I found someone who would prescribe it. During that week I felt horrible.
Around 4 or 5 pm I started hurting. Both my legs and arms were twitching . I must have put on 100 miles walking around my house.. I took many aspirin and such but nothing helped. I got the Tramadol and felt normal again the first day. I need it!!!
Spoke to my Doctor yesterday morning he was full of apologies as they forgot to give me my tramadol n my repeat prescription, it was sitting in the safe. I'm now on a structured tapering off schedule and discussing alternatives. I felt so poorly at the weekend I never want to go through that again ever.
I'm glad that was sorted out.
If the tramadol was for treating RLS and the alternatives you're discussing are also for RLS, Iwould be careful what's being suggested. You may find yourself taking something with even worse withdrawal effects.
If you're also on other meds, it's possible they're contributing to making your RLS worse.