How many folks on this site have suffered with RLS since childhood?
JUST WONDERING : How many folks on this... - Restless Legs Syn...

Not me. Earliest recollection from my twenties. And only when very tired.
I've had it for as long as I can remember. I'm 72. First memories are from long haul plane journeys ( Comet from East Africa) when I was 6yrs old.
I eventually figured it was caused by raising agents in biscuits, 😠
Adults called it growing pains.
I must be still growing.!🤣🤣🤣
I was around 8 yrs old when mine started. My mother and grandmother both had it as well.
I remember when I was about 3 and writihing about at night and my mother telling me it was growing pains. I am now 71! My father had it but he blamed it on a shrapnel wound in the war but he never sat down in the evenings and constantly paced about reading the paper and shook his leg, just like I do.
I’ve had it since a young girl. I shared a bed with my sister and she remembers telling me to stop kicking my legs. My mum took me to the doctors eventually who said it was growing pains
No I was in my early 20s and pregnant with first child... but my mother had it... must be hereditary...
Yes Grany I have,obviously not knowing what it was or how to explain to anyone what was happening to my legs, I now suffer every night the pain is Terrible and no sleep is taking it's toll also my shoulders and arms are starting arggg xx
About two-thirds of RLS cases are familial, manifesting in childhood, teens or early twenties.
So, lots of us!
I remember having since i was about 9
Arms , hands - vagina which is embarrassing always having to make the fat pad move above
no only since early part of mid 2000s
Had it longer than I can remember - well I had 'growing pains' for the first 20 odd years - I suspected that the doctorS (plural) may have got it wrong when I failed to make the basketball team and could easily walk through doorways without stooping.
me me me
I, too, had growing pains as a child and my mother would massage my legs at night. It really kicked in terribly with my first pregnancy at age 25 and I’ve had it ever since. I am now 65.
Both parents had it bad and kept taking larger and larger doses of Pramipexole
My Maternal Grandmother started with RLS aged 32, my Mother aged 29, I was 26 and my daughter was 23. So started 3 years earlier with each generation. I have a Grandaughter who is only aged 3 -I pray she will be spared x
Iam 77 and have been aware of RLS since I was 14. I think I had it long before this as I was always being told to sit still and not fidget. RLS was not diagnosed until my 40s. Until that time I was almost ashamed that I could not sit still like all my friends and I always tried to disguise it. It was almost a relief to be told it had a name although no cure!!!
I used to rock myself to sleep and kick my legs in order to sleep. I remember my mom having to walk me up and down the hallway too so I'm guessing this was RLS. Seemed to deal with it until about age 40 when things got much worse.
Started for me intermittently in high school - got unbearable by my early 20’s (I’m almost 50 now). My grandmother had it, but no one else in my immediate family suffers from it that I know of.
Since the age of 6 for me. Now it is off-the-hook at 57, painful and violent RLS
I am thankful I only started at 45! and it wasn't until I was 50 when it nearly drove me to insanity. I'm 61 now and only just starting to see what a complex disease it is and start to work out my triggers... if I can!
My daughter had 'growing pains' as a child and still gets 'pain' in her knees and sometimes arms. It's not often though thankfully but she's 36 now. My mum used to say about her legs 'drawing' and I can imagine that the creeping I feel in my calves is that. She wasn't plagued like I am though and I never heard her say she had to get up and walk about, just didn't sleep well.
My heart goes out to all of you who have had it since childhood.
I’ve had RLS since as long as I can remember- also found out in a sleep study in my 20s that I have PLM (periodic limb movement) if that’s what they still call it? My maternal grandmother had RLS and my Dad also. I’m 52.
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Started with rls when I was 19 I’m now 42 and it’s 24/7 without medication I don’t know what I would do! And this last 4 months the medication is not working as good 😞
My mother had it, my 4 siblings 2 children. But all only about 4/yr when overtired or intoxicated.. Pregnancy ... at least twice the intensity. after birth it disappeared. But returned when again pregnant. This time it stayed. My specialist said those who have it as a child don't usually make it out of their teens. I guess us survivors are made of pretty tough stuff.