Hi everyone, quick question if ok?
**HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE RHESUS NEGATIVE BLOOD?** I do & was wondering if this is a factor of RLS?
Having a bad attack atm 🤬🤬🤬
Hi everyone, quick question if ok?
**HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE RHESUS NEGATIVE BLOOD?** I do & was wondering if this is a factor of RLS?
Having a bad attack atm 🤬🤬🤬
Interesting thought. Why would you think so? Incidentally, I have rhesus neg.
I also have rhesus negative blood. Interesting to see how many more are like us and suffer RLS
No not me. I dont think blood type makes a difference to having RLS.
Not me either!
Yes I do
An interesting thought, RLS (primary) is constitutional as is blood type. I imagine there's nothing to suggest that either the A, B, O blood type or the rhesus factor is associated with RLS. However there are other blood factors, not so commonly known, which might be.
Also interesting, because even if there weren't it's worth thinking about if there is any blood "marker" which might enable the detection of RLS before it manifests itself.
At the moment RLS is largely diagnosed by symptoms and history. The UK NHS information website states, there is no single test for RLS. I think this is supposed to mean that RLS requires several tests. Actually it appears there is NO test.
PS out if interest, there are 36 known blood group systems and 346 known antigens which include the A, B and rhesus antigens!
I do
I do. Hope you get relief.
I am negative too !
I have A Rhesus Neg !
I'm B positive. Sorry. Wish it was a place to look although there are probably things that are connected to blood type.
I am A negative and I also found I have MGUS and now neuropathy. They found the cancer protein by searching for answers about the RLS and neuropathy
I have O(I) Rh+
i do im O RH D neg
I do
O+ so I’m not sure RLS is linked to rhesus negative.
A positive
hi ,, I have rh neg blood and suffer with rls
Hmm didnt think of that -Yes I have O rhesus negative blood group
Yes, I am A r"r RH Negative.
It would be interesting to do a large study and see just how high a number of RL sufferers are rhesus neg. THe answers given here indicate a large proportion of people answered who are but doesn't take into account those who aren't -ve therefore didn't answer. ????
I do. A-
Im A RH positive and an RLS sufferer. It would be interesting if a poll was held and whether the results would help research.
I am also Rh negative with severe RLS.
I have RH negative blood and RLS. There was a study: Increased frequeny of restless legs syndrome in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis primary in the spine). People with ankylosis spondylitis have a HLA-B27 marker in their blood. My Dad had ankylosis spondylitis but not RLS. I have the marker in my blood and have severe RLS. Go figure.
I have rhesus negative blood and have bad RLS