Had RLS for over 30years....Doesn't get better but there is a few new drugs out there to help control. For me Tramadol HCL (50/mg) have worked well except sometimes the tramadol acts like speed and my mind will not shut down.. No sleep but my RLS is gone. Don't know why it does this but when it comes it ruins the next day. Any ideas? Let know. Thanks...
RLS, Tramadol and mind speed. - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS, Tramadol and mind speed.

Hey there, your letter sounded like I was the talking, I have the exact reaction with Tramadol which I’ve been on for 9 years. To tell you the truth, the Tramadol works so well for me I’ve been on the same dose for a little less than the 9 years and though I loose a LOT of sleep, I feel it’s a cheap price to pay in exchange for not having RLS. Many people can’t use Tramadol, it doesn’t work for them and of course the lack of sleep. Usually I have 4 bad sleepless nights, just dozing here and there, but on the 5th night I sleep like a baby. I’m so used to the routine that I don’t even think about it as long as I don’t have the reched RLS. I take one 50mg pill at 5:30 pm and another at 11:30 pm,. If Tramadol works for you, be happy, so many others have so many problems finding something that works without so many side effects, plus Tramadol is the least of all the drugs to cause augmentation. Take care and enjoy not having RLS.
You are fortunate. Tramadol causes jitters/tremors in me. I also felt like I was hyper. Do you have any of these issues? Thank you!
Yes in the beginning it caused those types of feelings. Try taking a lower dose perhaps half
a pill(50mg) The 100 mg does not work for me as these are time released and do not work for RLS. (at least for me) Tramadol has been a God sent over the 30 years but I have had some of the problems that others have expressed. Keep with it if you can and perhaps you will have the desired results you are looking for.
Hi. I can identify. Tramadol works well for me for a period of time then it causes insomnia. So I come off it for a while and then it works well again. x
25mg of Tramadol made me do dizzy i could not stand up, then left me sitting in a blue funk all day. Had to stop it after 3 fays. Strange how a drug affects us all differently.
I use 1200mg Gabapentin during the day plus 2x50mg Tramadol at 8.00pm and I am on average only up once a night with RLS so happy with that. Occasionally I sleep through a night but also can be up 3 times a night for 30-40 minutes a time. Maybe it's the Gabapentin that keeps the insomnia at bay as I only have the occasional night when I lay awake for 2-3 hours. I get an annoying tendency to fall asleep in the afternoon and early evening if I sit down and relax. I get 40 mins of deep sleep until my RLS kicks off.
I have found that playing around with pill times can be very useful and if my RLS is bad for a period I try altering Tramadol to 6.00pm and 11.00pm which seems to confuse my body into settling back into a rhythm! Tramadol seemed to lose effectiveness after 3 years of use and I cut it down for a month of hell before restarting the 100mg dose again and it works again. For now.
John, have you tried the 50 mg dose? I have used the 100 mg doses and they do not work at all for me. That is because they are time released and at no time is there more than 10mg in your system. The 50mg gives you the full dose. It has a peak after 3 to 4 hours so I take it around 6pm and by 10 or 11 it is peaking and I can go to sleep. But I guess everyone is different.
I take 100mg Tramadol Slow Release at 6pm Most nights I sleep well This was the prescription of my Neurolgist after a few years on Ropinarol
& 3 years on the patch. Both ending in augmentation
He also said if I begin to find it working less efficiently I can take another around midnight
It makes such a difference being able to sleep, go to the cinema, travel by plane. All of which I had to give up.
January 29, 2019 Btthemd: Try non-drug treatments - acupuncture, massage or even therapeutic yoga. I just downed a bag of celery. One member said celery juice helped her.
yep, also can’t sleep with Tramadol but RSL gone!