had it for years but at the moment very bad ! im about too try circadin thats prescription melatonin !!! your thoughts please !! i need too have a good nights sleep urgently !! thanks for reading this !
rls driving me mad ! : had it for years... - Restless Legs Syn...
rls driving me mad !

Peter, melatonin is often making RLS worse. So proceed with caution and don’t have your hopes up to high. Who did suggest melatonin?
Peter, do you take anything else?
Magnesium is certainly helpful, but it will not, on its own, take the misery away,
Melatonin is contra-indicated because it opposes dopamine, but by all means, try it. But take it in small doses, from 0.5mg to 1.0mg, not the usual 3mg. That is far too much, according to some sleep specialists. Like magnesium, it will not take the symptoms away.
I read on a US site that melatonin can trigger RLS. Everyone is different but be careful!
I was prescribed Melatonin about four years ago. It made RLS worse but more than that it sent my heart rate soaring to 115/120 per minute. GP thought I was going into heart failure although I have never had any heart problems. I stopped the Melatonin and after a week my heart rate was back to normal 65 per minute. Just take care if you try it.
woops ! typed too quick !
Okay, don't get tensed. As there are several reasons for not good sleep.
Imp- Exercise well, you should make sure all your muscles face enough stress to get good sleep.
1) There are high chances that you are not receiving good Vitamin D. Try over-the-counter 1000 ug of Vitamin D, once you have your dinner, and go to bed in 30 minutes. Do this for three days.
2) Get your blood work done to identify any other vitamins/minerals affecting your sleep cycle. I am pretty sure, 1 or 2 will work.
Good Luck!
It may be pure coincidence but I have been finding that chewing some nicotine gum in the middle of the night when the legs strike seems to settle symptoms within about 15 minutes. I picked this tip up on here and it has worked every time so far but in fairness my rls is relatively mild at the moment. It may be worth a try though. Use the weakest gum and only when symptoms strike as I believe it can be quite addictive. So far I haven't noticed any cravings. I've been using it for about two months now but only intermittently because, as I say, my symptoms are much better at the moment.
Obviously it is also worth having your serum ferritin checked and making sure levels are close to or, better still, over 100. If they are below 100 an iron supplement is indicated.
Peter, who is treating you? You need to find an M.D. who treats RLS. Go on the RLS Foundation , you may be able to find an appropriate Dr.