Help: Another night of constant leg... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Unhappygirl profile image
20 Replies

Another night of constant leg jerking and crying into my pillow from lack of sleep, you would think at 80years old l would be past sobbing but alas lm not. When is it going to end l keep as asking, l fear the answer

What a depressed state l am in at the moment, sorry

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Unhappygirl profile image
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20 Replies
cicek profile image

I really feel for you. I am 70 now and my RLS is mainly under control but we just never know do we when things. might change.

Unhappygirl profile image
Unhappygirl in reply to cicek

Thank you, l get so depressed with it, not sleeping much really gets down

So sorry you are not sleeping, i am 71 my RLS isnt under control, i might get a few days and everything seems fine then WHAM, it all goes wrong. It doesnt matter what age you are or man or woman to cry and this condition sure gets you so low that crying comes from sleep deprivation and frustration of it all. Dont be sorry either, when you are posting on how you are feeling, let it out. Someone is usually always on here to listen. :)

Unhappygirl profile image
Unhappygirl in reply to

Gosh how sweet to make all those comments, the jerking in my legs happens every 20/30 seconds, occasionally l get a reasonable night but in the main l never get much sleep, which makes me so tired and irritable, sometimes, l'm ashamed to say, l even have dark thoughts.

My Gp is very nice but l don't think he really understands the condition, lve tried to tell him how l dread the nights, they are such lonely cruel hours.

Thank you so much for listening x

Wonko_TheSane profile image
Wonko_TheSane in reply to Unhappygirl

Dear unhappygirl, as sad as that is, but I'd like to thank you for how you called your RLS nights - "the lonely cruel hours". That's so very much what they feel like when mine isn't under control. If I ever write a memoir, this might very well be the name of one of the chapters. Good luck with yours - and do find a doc who is knowledgeable about it, they do exist!

Unhappygirl profile image
Unhappygirl in reply to Wonko_TheSane

Thank you, that's the only way to describe them, sadly. l wish you peace when you are suffering

bauerannec profile image

Hi unhappygirl,

Do you have any family members that also suffer from rls?

It can run in families, my mom had it in both legs,but she refused to take what she called "any powerful medicine"and she had it night and day. I tried to get my mom to ask her gp about taking ropinirole, but she wouldn't do it.

I can't stand it if I don't have my ropinirole,it really helps me.

My Doctor tested my Vitamin D levels and the results showed that I was extremely low on vitamin D ,so he gave me a prescription of vitamin D2, 50,000mg ,at first I took one tablet a week for 6 weeks next when I get the prescription refilled, my GPsaid to take the vitamin D2 tablets once a month.

You may want to get your vitaminD levels checked .

I've been anemic off and on all my whole life ,so since I've read on this forum that a lot of people have said if your iron levels are low that ,that could cause your rls to be worse ,I've started taking iron supplements ,hopefully between the vitamin D2, and the iron supplements, I'm hoping those will help my restless toes, hopefully they'll stop jumping around .That's the reason I don't ever want to give out of my ropinirole, that's when the real torture begins.

I hope you find something that will help you .You may want to talk to your Doctor, him/her about taking ropinirole.

Good Luck and God Bless

martino profile image

I think I am very fortunate as RLS is largely under control. In terms of medication I use a 2mg Neupro patch and take 200mg of Tramulief. I am less fortunate with Small Fibre Neuropathy for which I take Gabapentin. I am changing to Pregabalin but this is a work in progress. Pain was unremitting last night so I gave up trying to sleep at 3.00. I am 70. I am trying to catch up with my grandchildren in terms of smart phone knowledge so sleepless nights can (sort of) be put to good use

lbrosa profile image

Hang in Dad had RLS for years and when he got older it went away completely! I do not remember exactly when it happened for him but he lived to 96! I am 74 and am hoping it happens for me also and SOON!

DicCarlson profile image

If you're not on any meds currently, try some of the simple things. Number one is to have iron/ferritin levels tested and if your Ferritin level is below 50 (or even 75) initiate a course of Ferrous Bis-glycinate chelate to raise it. (It eliminated my SEVERE RLS in a week!). As has been suggested also try a diet change - heading toward low carb and keto/paleo meals. (any diet therapy would take a few weeks to notice it's effectiveness). I would also suggest the adrenal cocktail 1/4 tsp sea salt, 1/4 tsp Cream of Tartar (for Potassium) mixed in a little juice and water.

rls_optimist profile image

Hi, Unhappygirl, sorry to hear of your travails. I send my heart out to you. Here are a few thoughts:

What RLS medications are you on now, if any? Dosage and timing?

VERY important: have you had a blood test for ferritin levels (as onother here suggested)? If not, definitely get tested. And find out what the ferritin number is - don't let them just say "it's normal". What's normal for most people is usually not high enough for RLS sufferers. We need to get it up over 100, and for some of us, even up to 300. Many of us use oral iron therapy, and some of us get IV iron infusions (like me - it's really helped). Let me know if you want a link to the experts' publication on iron therapy.

Check out the RLS Foundation. They have a TON of very useful information, and they really understated you're going through.

Good luck. We're with you all the way!

Jelbea profile image

Even your choice of name made me feel so upset for you. I am 76 and have had RLS since my early teens. I have tried various "treatments" over the years but I am very sensitive to medication and always manage to get bad side effects. The only treatment I have had in recent years has been 30 mg. codeine taken going to bed each night. This dosage ceased being effective in the last 18 months and just recently after talking with my GP I have increased to either 45 or 60 mg. at night, depending on severity. I also have in the last year suffered severe back pain with sciatica in both legs making it difficult and painful to walk and am waiting for an app. at the local Pain Clinic to see if they can help. I have macular degeneration in both eyes and receive frequent injections into my eyes for this.

On top of all this my dear husband of almost 50 years died very suddenly a year ago. I know how difficult the nights can be for you. When my husband was there, even when he was asleep, I did not feel so bad but I have had to get used to the loneliness and the desperate feeling which overtakes me with RLS. Like you the leg jerking is between 10 and 30 seconds and I also get it in my arms.

This site is absolutely great and for me I don't feel so alone knowing that so many kind folk understand exactly what you are suffering. Because of my difficulty in medications I have stopped trying to find "a cure" which does not exist and instead try to make life as good as I can with some help from the codeine. I don't dwell on sleep problems as I have lived for at least twenty years getting 3 - 4 hours which is supposed to be really had for you - but I am still here.

Others who have replied to you have given you lots of good advice re treatment. I think what I am trying to say is try not to dwell on the horrors of RLS but accept it and try to make other areas of your life good and interesting. In the dark hours I now play games on my Ipad such as Scrabble and suduko as I cannot read for long. It passes the time until I can maybe sleep again. I have also resorted to having a nap during the day if I feel like it.

I hope that the replies you have had will all help you and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sent with love and understanding.

involuntarydancer profile image
involuntarydancer in reply to Jelbea

Sorry to read of the death of your husband, Jelbea. That is tough.

Jelbea profile image
Jelbea in reply to involuntarydancer

Thank you involuntarydancer for your kindness. It happened so suddenly and without warning. My family are very supportive whilst grieving as well. I am blessed to have their love.

Hope you are well at present - take care


Dakota13 profile image

I’m so sorry for your frustration and wondering wheather it will ever stop. I’m 72 and mine just seems to get worse. I’m going to try to get off my pramipexole after the first of the year because of augmentation. I’ve heard that the severity of the RLS should go back to when it started. I have found that compression stockings that go over the knee will give me some temporary relief if I put them on when it first starts. I truly sympathize with you and the others who are going through this. Only those who have it can truly understand how awful it can be. Just know you are not alone and we all care.


Legsbohn profile image

If you haven’t tried Tramadol give it a shot. Works for many. I’m 75 and so far no tears on my pillow.

RLS1952 profile image

Feeling for you.

Brica profile image

Hello unhappy girl - I am 82 yrs. and have had RLS of and on since childhood. I would recommend that you seriously consider what RLS optimist has written to you. The RLS Foundation Website is how I found a physician who knows how to treat this condition. I am taking iron and have responded very well. Normal iron and ferritin levels are not normal for some of us; so this has to be tested. Hope you get relief. I was there too. Brica

Windwalker profile image

Listen it doesn't stop because you are 80. I am 82 and for at least 40 years or longer I have had restless legs and body as well. I found a neurologist and the first thing he said was ,''your case is bad and you will not be cured and the best we can hope for is treating you to minimize the symptoms''. We don't know the cause or even where the signal comes from that makes it maddening if you don't move and in my case jump up and walk some. Keep changing doctors until you find a sympathetic soul who really wants to spend the time and effort to help you want to live.

I have said here,''If I wasn't afraid that the hell I'd go to, for doing away with myself, would be worse than the hell I have here. I'd welcome the relief of death.

I just try to enjoy the small comforts and educate the ignorant,(Which is 90% of the world)

Unhappygirl profile image
Unhappygirl in reply to Windwalker

Thank you for your kind reply but l didn't say at 80 l would be cured only that l am ashamed at my age that l cry into my pillow, l too have suffered this for many years with different meds. I am hopeful that because my ferritin levels are low an infusion might be the answer

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