Hi, first post so be gentle
I've suffered from RLS since I was 10. I've gone through the whole thing, even get it in my arms when it's really bad. For me it's just like an electrical current continually building up and sparking. I used to suffer quite bad, where I'd punch and thump the offending limbs and suffer all the awful thoughts that came with it, and the label of being a fidget. Not being able to enjoy a simple film or play. Now however I'm managing it quite well.
I found that thinking about it can trigger it, also that when i'm in a state between awake and being ready to sleep it will also strike, boredom doesn't help either.
The physical things that aggravate it in me are caffeine and alcohol. I have now dropped the caffeine and very rarely have a drink, which seems to ease the severity of any attack.
The psychological part of it is the most interesting for me. Over the many years I've noted that if I can keep my mind 100% focused on a task with preferably some physical aspect to it, I can prevent it coming on completely.
How do I do it? I started off noticing that if i'm playing a video game (strategy works for me) , it won't come. Also I enjoy painting models, and when I do that it doesn't come. If I have to watch a film, it's got to be intense, none of this rom-com for me.
So now, in the evenings I don't relax by loafing on the sofa. But not relaxing makes getting to sleep harder, so essentially I push the activities to the limit until I'm ready to just hit the sack , then boom, lights out.
It was a bit of a fluke how I discovered this, but I can happily blame it on the arrival of my 3 year old son. Without him I would be able to carry out my hobbies in the afternoon and not the evening. He usually get's off to sleep by 8, leaving Wife and I 2 hours in the evening. A perfect time to self indulge.
So really, I'm just living life in 2 gears, Stop and go. I'm not saying it'll work for anyone else, it's just how I manage it.
As a side note, I have my mobile loaded up with social media, games and books, so if I prematurely head up the apple and pears I've got something to entertain me. I know it's not healthy, but getting in a fist fight with yourself isn't either.
Hopefully someone can take something from this nonsense I've just written. You all have my deepest sympathies
The Truffle Hound