I have dealt with RLS for sometime now had several doctors say that's what it is, but now if feels as if it is consuming my whole body now, makes me feel like I am going crazy does any one else suffer from it all over,
All over RLS: I have dealt with RLS for... - Restless Legs Syn...
All over RLS

Yes, I do.
Have the doctors given you any meds for it? Have you found any triggers for it in your diet?
Have a really good read around this site. There is loads of info and advice here.
Please give more information about your condition and treatment so that the good people here can help you.
No not one dr has given me anything for it but that's why they say. It usually starts with my legs I sleep with a heating pad every nite becuae my legs hurt. Last nite I had a really bad bout with it, started in my legs and the feeling consumed my whole body, I felt like I was going crazy, It was 8 in the morning before I finally fell asleep. Any help would be great. Thank You Iam on quit a few Medicines Lortab, Cymbalta, protonix . blood pressure meds metoprolol, blood thinner clopidogrel allergy med montelukast if this helps any I have been on all of this for a long time. And problem with all over feeling was before a lot of this.
Whoa, a lot of what you're taking is known to make the symptoms of RLS worse. I've stopped saying that certain medicines will make RLS worse and started saying the symptoms worse because I truly believe that it is only the dopamine agonists and painkillers that truly make RLS itself worse by down-regulating our already bad dopamine receptors. So statins, anti-depressants, certain antihistamines and certain antacids will make the symptoms worse. Talk to your doctor about taking one or two 25mg tablets of ferrous bisglycinate on an empty stomach before bed. Try to take your other meds as early in the day as your doctor will permit.

I've read that the ferrous bisglycinate is best taken with Vitamin C, have you found this to be true? Thanks,

Hi Monkeyzoo,
As Twitch has said, we need more information from you to be able to try and help. Are you on any prescribed medication? Do you take any of the medicines that are best to avoid if suffering from RLS? Some of them are listed here: rls-uk.org
You are not alone with suffering symptoms in other parts of the body. One reason is that it can happen as a result of augmentation if on some prescribed drugs. This is why we are asking you for more information. Have you had your ferritin levels checked?
We wait to hear from you again.
Yeah, I'm in that club and its not a nice club to be in!!
Are you taking any medications? IF you give us a bit more info maybe we could help.
hi Monkeyzoo,
What meds are you on? When I was on ropinirole ( requip) I had RLS everywhere, including my face, because of augmentation. I came off it with the help of the good people on this site in August 2016. I still get it every night but now it's just in my legs.
I found out yesterday that I have small fibre neuropathy so some of the pain I attributed to RLS probably has another cause. Perhaps it is worth checking whether there is something else going on.
YES, I've had RLS goi g on 7 years but for the past year, maybe a little longer, it seems that when by mistake I take my meds after my scheduled times, I seem to get RLS not just in my legs but horribly all over my body, arms, back, EVERYWHERE, it's horrible because while walking I get relief for my legs, but the arms I have to move around in BIG circles, Juno g jack motion, etc....and until the meds kick in, i get ZERO relief in the arms. One time I almost cried with the feeling not going away soon enough, or maybe it was stronger than usual, but I wasn't getting better and it seemed so long before the meds worked. I mentioned my scheduled times for the meds, by that I mean that I have set specific times that work very well for me in order for my meds to be in effect before the RLS starts. I take ONLY TRAMADOL which works wonders for me, have been on the same dose for about 3 yrs. now. I only take 50 mg at 5:30 pm and another 50 mg at 11:30 pm. I don't take anything else, have tried other meds that only made me gain weight, and that's where I am right now in my control of this curse.
my RLS is that bad even with meds that I have suicidal thoughts.
Yes I do,I think I’m gonna get a break then it starts in my back and arms,then it might ease off but will go to my legs