A review of RLS Supplements
I just found this Article... - Restless Legs Syn...
I just found this Article...

Not too sure about the credentials here.
3 out of the 5 best products only get a 4 out of 10 satisfaction rating in the reviews- hardly a ringing endorsement for them- so why include them.?
Unless , of course, this whole exercise is designed to support the one product that gets 9/10. Questionable marketing???
But I know nothing about the credentials of this site.
I really don't have the time or inclination to follow up the research data supposedly backing all this up.
Ye make your own choices!😅😎
You know - I've bought most every product I could find. RLS is so debilitating and so perplexing to most docs you will grasp at any straw! I basically felt I was on my own. I have cut into RLS with Iron and Mg supplements - not "cured" but way better than 6 months ago.
DicCarlson, I've done the same thing....Stopped ALL meds and only take iron and magnesium now - results so much better. I also smoke cannabis as well to help me sleep.
And if you think RL is bad - look at this poor guy - relief with Cannabis Oil. youtube.com/watch?v=R31u0zE...
Its a neurological problem and none of these would work be a waste of money in my opinion .
I suspect the reviewers collect a fee for the reviews. The criteria have nothing to do with effectiveness of the product. Product ratings seem to be based on liquid delivery, money-back guarantee, 24 hour support, etc. And notice they say to be sure to see your dermatologist for a medical opinion about your RLS. There is no indication the products have been tested. Useless or worse.