grapefruit juice: has anyone heard that... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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grapefruit juice

oldblue profile image
33 Replies

has anyone heard that grapefruit juice would help slow down with the time in between rls attacks? oldblue

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oldblue profile image
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33 Replies
KazzyALD profile image

I haven't heard of this, oldblue, but if you are thinking of trying it, make sure grapefruit mixes well with any meds you might be on, as there are some meds that don't mix well with this fruit.

oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to KazzyALD

oke doke every body i'll not try it thanks oldblue

JEMoore profile image
JEMoore in reply to KazzyALD

ropinrole - is one med advised not to have anything with gratefruit in.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to JEMoore

any cholesterol meds, also, some blood pressure meds, lots of meds that we do not even take for RLS. So, good thing you asked.

kelene profile image
kelene in reply to KazzyALD

That is true too!

nightdancer profile image

no, in fact grapefruit juice can ruin the way some meds work.

oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to nightdancer

nightdancer, thanks. I just saw your profile... all have peace some day,, yes, yes, yes..amen, thank our mighty Savior oldblue

Pippins2 profile image

Hello again oldblue, RLS is a Neurological condition so I doubt very much that grapefruit juice could help.I have never heard of anyone getting relief from it ,

oldblue profile image

thanks pip2, if eating cutsew vine would try it. i am still up since yesterday morn. maybe i'll get a couple or so hrs. tonight you all keep fingers crossed for me. oldblue

Windwalker profile image

Old Blue,

The longer you have RLS and the more you read, the more you will find that most home remedies are old wives tales. Of Course---try anything and if it works congratulations. If your RLS is genetic, the only thing that will work is the dopamine agonist gents, such as Maripex or Requip (ropinirole) or some other medicine developed for Parkinson's disease. I have had it since I was in my 30's and got no relief until 2002 when I was 65 years old. I was becoming suicidal from lack of sleep when I confided in a friend who was also a doctor and teacher at Northwestern University School of Medicine. She had a friend who took her fathers Parkinson's medicine and slept for the first time in a week.

I got her to prescribe it for me and with a small dose of Maripex I slept for the first time in 8 days. I soon had to take larger doses and had some reactions that were not nice. i saw a neurologist who specialized in RLS and got over the bad stuff.

Tease-ah profile image
Tease-ah in reply to Windwalker

Hi windwalker,

May I ask if you kept taking the Maripex? What did neurologist suggest to get over the bad stuff?

Windwalker profile image
Windwalker in reply to Tease-ah

The Maripex caused my compulsive habits that had been mild to become overpowering, such as gambling. When I started I'd play a few hands of blackjack for low amounts of money. After i started Maripex, I lost large amounts of money. That was the worst of them and enough to ruin me financially. I have only recovered marginally, but don't gamble any more. The Requip I take still makes me have some of the bad, but I know now the cause and resist the urge to gamble. I went directly from Maripex to Requip, so withdrawal wasn't a problem.

During my 1999 colon cancer operation and recovery from it blowing a hole in my colon, I took lots of opiate pain killers and went thru withdrawal, so I know what it is like to go thru withdrawal cold turkey, but rhe RLS was much worse after additiction to opiates.

Tease-ah profile image
Tease-ah in reply to Windwalker

Thanks so much for explaining, a lot of my behavior makes sense now.

oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to Windwalker

windwalker, i've been taking pramipexole and carb/levo for over a year. neither one has helped me one bit, if anything it's getting worse. I'll be going to the Neurologist wed. hope he can help. I'll get back to you later, thanks, oldblue

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to oldblue

Oldblue.its worth me mentioning that Carbidopa/Levodopa is ONLY recommended for those that have occasional RLS for example every couple of weeks.It is not recommended for daily use as it càùses augmentation to occur very quickly, sometimes within a week .

oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to Pippins2

oh my pip,oh my. what in the thunder am i going to do? i saw the Neurologist wed. he said for me to take it 4 times a day. can i come off it all at once or slowly?

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to oldblue

Oldblue, oh dear me! Now I cant tell you to stop any medications I am not your doctor, all I can tell you is what the experts say.The fact that your Neuro has told you to take it up to 4x a day makes me concerned that he is not very up to date with the dopamine meds and the problems of augmentation associated with them.I would be either finding myself a new Neuro or a sleep doctor who has experience of treating RLS or taking in some information into your current Neuro.Tell him/her to google augmentation from dopamine agonists.Two excellent places to get information are

RLS-UK and www, luck Oldblue, do let me know how you go on.I must just mention it is not a good move to suddenly stop any dopamine med abruptly without a back up med , usually in the form of a strong painkiller.

oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to Pippins2

he pip, I take 10mg oxycodone for my back pain. I just might try quitting it slowly. what you think.

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to oldblue

Oldblue, can you say exactly what meds you are taking for RLS and anything else? Really would help me to know as many meds can trigger RLS.If you prefer you can send me a private message.

oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to Pippins2

how do i send a private message?

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to oldblue

Oldblue, you click on my name and it will take you to my profile.You will see there a message option

Shon48 profile image

Grapefruit juice has indeed many bad properties in it if mixed with certain medications. I have used a spray called Goodnight magnesium spray which you massage in last thing at night . It works for me , not every night but I'm having more good nights than bad . Holland and Barratt and Amazon sells it . Maybe worth a try .

johannasuar profile image
johannasuar in reply to Shon48

Hi Shon48, I read your post about the Goodnight magnesium spray. I'm anxiously waiting for it, I really hope it works. Maybe it won't work alone but might help not taking so many meds, the two together might be a solution to delay augmentation. Time will tell, I can't remember where it's coming from, I ordered it through Amazon but isn't due till January 17. I'll be back giving my opinion.

Shon48 profile image
Shon48 in reply to johannasuar

I really hope it works for you . My daughter has M.E and very painful arms and I bought her the other type for painful joints and she has cut down her painkillers quite a bit. Holland and Barret have a deal on just now . Buy one get another half price. There are three types of the magnesium spray so for you it's the purple cover , good luck with it .


funnyfennel profile image
funnyfennel in reply to Shon48

I have just started using the magnesium spray and I do notice that my sleep "feels better" However I still take pramipexole . And do not sleep well.....Ah it's still better than before...!!

johannasuar profile image
johannasuar in reply to Shon48

Hello Shon48. Just wanted to update you on my last message about waiting for the magnesium, well, I received it and was waiting for a disturbed night when my meds weren't just cutting the RLS feeling so one night I tried it, I was very uncomfortable and couldn't rest so I tried it, to my surprise IT WORKED, i was a bit skeptical about it it because I would never imagine an oil spray would actually give me relief, but it did. I've used it a second time and again it calmed my legs right away. This is like a miracle. Thank you so much for sharing this info. If anyone else decides to give it a try I hope it works for them like it does for your daughter and now me. Merry Xmas, happy holidays. This sure was like a Xmas present for me. Be well. Johanna

Shon48 profile image

That's just great news and very happy for you . It really is a weird thing but who cares if it's working.

I wish you too a very happy Christmas and no leg dancing in bed haha. I still go to bed thinking "will it work tonight"?. Have had a few twinges but nothing to what it was.


kelene profile image

You know its funny you should mention that. When I had Chronic Fatigue and RLS I used to wonder why a big glass of grapefruit juice would somehow make me feel a little better, I think I even mention that on my web page! If believe the grapefruit juice may help in part because of its anti-inflammatory properties although I do believe there is more benefit than that. If interested you can go to the site (because there is too much to post in a forum) and check out the links (and Drs. insight) that helped me solve my health issues.

Take Care.


nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to kelene

TAKE VERY close care to make sure that your medications, if you take any, can be taken with Grapefruit juice, since there are many meds that cannot be taken with grapefruit juice in general.

kelene profile image
kelene in reply to nightdancer

So true.

oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to nightdancer

hey Night dancer good to here from you. My daughter and I have found that a glass full of grapefruit juice seems to boost the pain med. we take a little bit. I don't know if you've been able to see any of my recent messages or not. My feet have absolutely been giving me a fit for the last week or so. They are hurting and burning more now than they did when they first started, and the last week both ankles are swollen so bad I can't even tell if I have any ( ankles that is ). I saw my Neurologist last Dec. 14 Th and he put me on Gapabentian for the hurting and burning. He said that he has had the same thing for several yrs. He takes Tramerdoal for his as I take Oxycodone. The Oxy. I take is for my lower back which ( thank God ) has probably went the right way from a 5 to a 9. for the better, then all of this comes along. I saw one of my Drs. monday and had blood work done. She told me to take 3 instead of 2- three hundred mgs at bedtime for the sleep. I don't know if i'ts going to help or not. The results for the test should be back in 1- wk. and maybe we'll know what one of many things can be causing this. Keep me in your prayers Night dancer, GOD BLESS, Blair AKA Old Blue

PS I hit a key sometimes accidentally and the page scrolls down a whole lot empty. When you get time tell me if you can see it on your page.



oldblue profile image
oldblue in reply to kelene

hi Kelene, i am very new to this form and I'm learning how to post and reply slowly. if i can catch a reply from someone quickly enough i can reply back to them, but I'm having trouble telling if someone is replying to me or someone else. my daughter and i have rls and she has fibro. we have found that grapefruit juice boosts the pain med. a little bit and therefore we are drinking a glass full in the morns. i hate so bad that i don't know how to respond to people on here. i sure don't want any one to think I'm ignoring them. God Bless, Blair AKA Old Blue

nightdancer profile image

That is a no. Grapefruit juice can interact badly with many meds.

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