EPILEPSY Links to RLS ?: My doc asked... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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15 Replies

My doc asked if anyone in the family was Epileptic. (I know it is different to RLS). But I do have a half brother who is the nly Epileptic we know of in the family. Janet (Australia)

15 Replies

I remember reading of links to ADHD, but not seen any info on epilepsy. Mind you they are both neurological conditions....

thoughtful12 profile image

I believe that Clonazepam, which some people take for RLS, is also used for epilepsy in higher doses. So there should be some connection.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to thoughtful12

noooooooooo, meds can be used to treat different things. Gabapentin is used for seizures AND nerve pain AND RLS. Just because it is used for more than one ting does not mean they are all connected, and that includes Clonzepam. many meds have many different uses.

AnnaVic profile image

One of my sister was epileptic and myself and another sister have had the aura for years but it has never developed into an attack. My rls has been relatively quiet for weeks and I am trying to work out why. I am off all meds and looking at diet, supplements, massage, circulation, everything and anything. Even the Dove liquid soap ( produces a tightening effect???). It is a condition that is so individual we just have to find out own route. This site offers support, experiences and ideas that are a great help.

dickJones profile image

The Clonazepam link is simply via its function as an anti-convulsant. There's no direct correlation I've ever encountered in research between RLS and epilepsy. Check with Google for any cross-references.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to dickJones

EXACTLY, no connection at all.

Coastwalker profile image

A thought went through my head when reading your post topdog01, so I did a quick google and have found people on a forum site talking, saying that having thyroid hormones imbalances can cause seizures, I have not found an official link, but I do know ADHD, ASD, Bi Polar and some other medical conditions all link back to thyroid.

Wonder if low links to RLS too, has anyone on here had their thyroid checked ? though Doctors are not good at diagnosing thyroid patients, they tend to miss or over look them and when they do find a thyroid patient they do not medicate them adequately.

Personal experiences and read it daily.

I use to have undiagnosed RLS in the evenings, but no longer, did think it was down to having vitamins, curing my RLS, but my thyroid is now feeling normal, only cos I self medicate, so it might be down to low thyroid or vitamins or both, who knows, but just a thought topdog01.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to Coastwalker

if you 'self medicate" how would you know then? Not criticizing at all. just wondering. My doctor check my thyroid all the time and nada. I think she would LIKE it if she found I had thyroid issues, It would make sense to her, but noooooo. ;)

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to nightdancer

Like I said, all just a thought nightdancer :)

(Though worth googling several websites on

'Thyroid Disease and Epilepsy'

'Thyroid disease and RLS'

'Thyroid Disease and ???

(??? =anything else you think might connect with Low Thyroid/Hypothyroidism)

to see for yourself as so many illnesses are now being connected to Low Thyroid. (Not saying yours or anyone's RLS is though.)

Though do not expect most Doctor to go along with it.

(Most thyroidys know that Doctors know little about thyroid)

Doctors have 'missed' many of my Family who have Low Thyroid and ones diagnosed with thyroid, Doctors 'under treat' them with thyroid hormone.

Since on vitamins and thyroid self medication their illnesses have cleared up too. One had mild COPD, another Asthma, also others have cleared up their tiredness and brain fog, but because their thyroid bloods were NORMAL or in range, Doctors do not treat.

You might know already:-

That having high cholesterol can be down to having LOW thyroid, treat the LOW thyroid with thyroid medication and the Low thyroid corrects itself and goes back up to back to normal levels and the cholesterol goes back down to normal too, but Doctors would rather see us all on Dangerous Statins.

Doctors do not acknowledge the 'Great Cholesterol and Statin Con' (Google that one nightdancer.)

Doctors years ago, before Thyroid bloods were done, knew that having 'HIGH' cholesterol pointed to Hypothyrodism (Low thyroid.)

If you feel there 'might' be a connection and you have had some recent bloods done, you will need to ask either your Doctor or receptionist for a printout of any recent thyroid bloods (and their ranges,) you have had done and pop them up onto Thyroid UK on here Health Unlocked for other TUK members to help you see what Doctor's eyes miss, many thyroid Uk members do this daily, as you have a right to your own blood results. Or you can do online home blood tests too now. I have started using home blood tests kits now. Not cheap, but again thanks to help from members on Health Unlocked, we found an under range blood that our Doctor had missed, so it was well worth the price of the blood test.

To self medicate you first need to know the results of your thyroid blood tests and any others done. (Like I said before.)

Sometimes being deficient or even low in range in other bloods such as iron Ferritin Follate vitamin B12 and vitamin D can cause problems too. (not saying they are RLS connected, but good to make sure none of them are too low.)

B12 Deficiency and Hypothyroidism mimic each other, you can also have both together.

Also there is a low within range 'grey area' in B12 bloods that both Hubby and I were in, which can be linked to Dementias and Altzheimers, we now supplement with vitamin B12.

Like I said, I just thought some members on RLS might like to know there is a known connection, as like myself I will try anything once to get myself well.

(Not saying everyone who has RLS has a thyroid problem or even that there is a connection, but since on vitamins and adequate self thyroid treatment (cos' my Doctor would not 'up' my dose anymore,) my self diagnosed RLS at night has all gone.

Also, my own Doctor said there was no cure for my excruciating 'tailbone' pain Doctor diagnosed it and said I would just have to learn to live with it, well wrong, it was curable for me, I not only cured my tailbone pain, but also my stiffness getting up out of chairs and bed in the mornings, lower back and hip pain and my own diagnosed Restless legs at night and sciatica leg pains. It was all down to a vitamin D Deficiency. All my ailments cured almost overnight once I was supplementing D3, but all pains come back if I miss my daily dose,

For a good safe up to date doses of vitamin D3 vitamindcouncil

Sorry to ramble on nighdancer,


nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to Coastwalker

interesting, but I also see an endocrinologist, so I feel pretty safe with my bloods hat get done every 6 months, and have some coming up next week. ;) Thyroid can bee connected to anything if you work hard enough at it, and I agree it is underdiagnosed and undertreated in many cases. But , I was answering the question on Epilepsy. Even some "experts" think if you take the same meds for RLS and, epilepsy, they MUST be connected, but that is just not true. It is like taking dopamine meds for RLS. The same meds are used for 2 different conditions, does not mean you have Parkinson's because a person is taking dopamine meds for RLS. Many meds treat many different conditions. That is my only point. ;)

Coastwalker profile image

Re:- The Epilepsy/Thyroid connection

I read it on the Forum Community site on the Epilepsy Foundation.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to Coastwalker

I have dealt with some who are in the Thyroid group. Not saying everyone is like this, but when I asked for specific references that I could look up, I constantly got, go look at the thyroid group and see what people are saying. That is all well and good. But, at that time a few months back, the 3 people who wee really trying to convince me about a thyroid connection and RLS could never give me good reference, like we constantly do for RLS. The thyroid group is huge and there are many opinions, as are in this group, and we all have to do what works for us. But, if someone gets me into a discussion I prefer specific things to read that can prove or at least have a strong theory about what I am asking. And, the only reason I replied on this post was the for the original poster and his/her question. If you want people to see and read your thyroid info, should be in a separate post so it does not get buried. ;) Thanks for all your time, though.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to nightdancer

You are welcome nightdancer. :)

Not seen any info that links RLS and epilepsy.

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

Right, Elisse, nor have I in over 20 yrs of researching.

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