Iv`e read that rls is caused by inflammation, also alzheimers. Does that mean that rls will lead to alzheimers?
Rls &alzheimers?: Iv`e read that rls is... - Restless Legs Syn...
Rls &alzheimers?

I wouldn't think so. Headaches can be caused by inflammation as can a host of other things. I wouldn't get too concerned about it.
I have had RLS my whole life and........what were we talking about

Hi hairyfairy, you wrote a similar posting as the above 4 months ago and received 5 replies. You also wrote a similar posting 3 years ago regarding RLS symptoms leading on to parkingsons. Replies to both of those postings you made, should have put your mind at ease.
Hairyfairy, i dont know where you read some of this stuff that you ask about. But as Kaarina has said, you seem to ask the same type of questions. All unfounded.
You need to consider the source of where you are getting this info from, and I know from looking at your profile, like Kaarina said, we have had this conversation many times. I think you are scaring yourself for no reason, and there are no good studies still in inflammation and ay relation to RLS. The main web site people refer to when talking about inflammation and RLS is written by a man with no credentials and we already dealt with him in this group and all the other ones I am in or own. His web site is made to look "official" and "scientific": but when you dig down, there is no evidence whatsoever except theory and opinions. he also bashes the RLS foundations right on his web site, especially the US one. And, he also goes directly after Dr. Buchfuhrer, slamming his reputation. So, I hope that is not the web site you are reading. In the name of his site he uses "absolute cure for RLS" and we all now there is no absolute cure as of now. Hope this helps some. There is absolutely no known connection to what you asked about.
In a word, no. Alzheimer's is not related to RLS in any way. And, the inflammation theory is just that, a theory, whether for RLS or Alzheimer's. I have studied Alzheimer's as much as I have RLS and Parkinson's, because my father had both when I took care of him the last 10 yrs of his life. So again, no.

Hairyfairy, if you are googling, RLS and inflammation/RLS and Alzeimers/RLS and anything else, you will always find something on the WWW much of it unproven, as nightdancer says. Please do not scare yourself unnecessarily. There are some forum members on here that know a lot about RLS and I would recommend you learn from them not only from the WWW.
My mother had 9 sisters and all had RLS. All but one lived past 90 and none had any dementia. One lived to 106 and her mind was clear until her death. The last of her sisters just died at 93 and she had RLS and all the things that come with it, shakey hands, waivering voice, and stiffness of all movement and her mind was clear. She was even making jokes, with her sons, the day she died. One does not equal the other, not to say some of us with RLS won't get Alzheimers, but they are not mutually exclusive.