MSG - RLS link? Take a look at this o... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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MSG - RLS link? Take a look at this once.

29 Replies

It sounds like every culture has their theory on RLS

Take a look at this one.

oasisadvancedwellness.c...f... this doesn't work.

I won't give up finding that article. I emptied my cache..but I love

Elisse's reply to my inquiry so I am leaving up this until I do find

that article again..

something quite interesting that the Chinese and

Japanese doctors are thinking about RLS..

MSG could be another culprit.. MSG goes by dozens

of names!! It was added to the bottom of the list

of symptoms of MSG Overload.. This is

something that I want to check in with Dr. B about.

If RLS is one of the symptoms of toxic MSG levels.

I am learning to discriminate articles but since both

cultures are suspecting MSG (a flavoring) as a

culprit, it's worth a shot to ask experienced people.

29 Replies

I know about MSG its in alot of foods such as chinese food. Some it affects, some it doesnt.

in reply to

It's in frozen pizzas, some drinks, gelatin, and boxed up dinner kits,

it's in so many places that you would have to eat like a bird to

avoid it. (MSG) also there is so much conflicting advice about

RLS and artificial sweeteners. It's popping up on other forums,

in articles..I am finding out that in larger quantities, both can cause

some toxicity.. some believe that it's causing the brain to misfire

sending sharp or achy pains in the joints and some are positive

that it caused their RLS.. That's where I have to learn to discriminate

as well as you and Nightdancer do. I keep going to the

website to reference it but not everything is on that list just yet...

or I am missing it.

in reply to

I wouldn't get too stressed about what you eat. Everything you eat or drink has the potential to kill you. You can die from drinking too much water, you can die if you don't drink enough.

The world is full of oracles of doom. "Aspartame will kill you" often proclaimed despite rigorous testing and approval by bodies such as FDA and absolutely no evidence that it is harmful. (Bearing in mind what I said earlier).

in reply to

I am wondering about the artificial sweeteners. It keeps

coming up in the RA (it's a paid forum) about how bad

it is for anyone with inflammation..I was alive when people

started getting cancer from a soft drink called TAB..No

one believed it back then and there were wars to get it

off the shelves..then later (too late for a lot of people)

they found out that it was the saccharine in the soda that

did it..*a type of artificial sweetener*

I hear tons of ridiculous stuff but rls is new grounds for me.

I am never sure about the conflicting views.

in reply to

If its not on rlshelp then there is a reason, no studies have been done so nothing has been proven. Alot of stuff is just theory.

The link isnt working for me...:(

in reply to

UGH...I am going to look on again for that excellent article about MSG

and RLS connection..

CMACH profile image
CMACH in reply to

It's my experience: I would get RLS after eating a Chinese dish and when I asked for no msg the same dish/no RLS. That is enough for me.

I am truly bumming because that article summed up what every

article was saying about RLS and MSG link..I am going to keep

hunting for that article between job assignments that I'm doing

to try to make some money..(it's my day/night job) For now,

I hope so much that this other link works or I am going to delete

my post until I find it again. Next time, I will bookmark it.

This one is about the the glutamate connection to insomnia and MSG and RLS only affects some people, just like caffeine does for some, or other foods or drinks.

in reply to

Is that right?=))) I didn't ever connect the two. Your help is invaluable to me.

I am by no means looking to write any kind of article or to apply this stuff

to any other websites..I am doing this for me..I want to stop the madness.

I took my dose of Pramipexole about an hour ago...Usually I wait to take

it 5 hours from now..I want to puke..I keep fighting it.. I have a mad headache from not sleeping... the 5 hours last night doesn't make up for the 2 nights

prior to that.. I was awake like an owl..My legs were ridiculous...My spine

never had rls like that..I am suffering hugely right now, this minute.. so

I am standing up doing the march or the stretching while I look at articles..

I am like a mad woman looking for answers.

I want to skip out on doing my work/ work so I can keep looking but

it's not allowed -I took off all of last week. .

I only know about the MSG because of seeing some one post else where, that their RLS is worse when they suspect they have eaten some thing that has had MSG added to it. As usual, it doesnt affect everyone, just like the other foods or drinks they tell us not to eat or drink. Caffeine has no affect on my RLS, but we know others cant even drink one cup of it.

in reply to

Here I thought that MSG was the answer for me, hopefully for

others. I am so glad that you have experience on this. I would

have spent days obsessing over this. It's 630am and I have

been working my regular job for the past hour. I am going

to finish up early and get out to enjoy some fall weather. I

am going to take a break from the reading today. I need it.

So sorry you are suffering, didnt you say you were reducing your pramipexole. ??

in reply to

I was reducing. I reached a hard breaking point today and I

went right back up to my highest dose. I feel that I let myself

down but I sure am a heck of a lot more comfortable. I am still

doing work/work..but now I am sitting down. I have my desktop

running and then health unlocked or whatever information I can

find...and you answered why I am not finding it on

It was worth it to fail.. the difference is day/ night in relief. My

cousin called an offered me a couple of her narcotics.. she is

somewhere on here reading stuff but I can't find her yet. She

was reading as a guest - maybe she didn't even create an

account.. But Hello Dear Cousin T if you are reading..

Elisse, I won't survive this disease without the help that you are

always giving me. A stressful situation is completely resolved

in my life ( thanks for your help Leonard) I should be fine but

I'm not really yet.. those big stresses throw the body into a

tantrum of symptoms.

I don't really feel like I have to plow through books, online articles

and magazines, medical libraries, drug websites so much anymore.

since I've calmed the past few hours with Pramipexole..

I almost feel like I'm doing something wrong by looking at very

opposing views of RLS.. My doctor was the one to suggest looking

at opposing views of what I do know about RLS...he said that he

isn't a fan of narcotics, nor of dopamine pills.. This was my GP

though, not my specialist.. so I am taking that into consideration.

kevmolly44 profile image
kevmolly44 in reply to

Hi, I am still here.

Thanks Ellisse & Yikes for your input into this RLS site. I have stopped taking Sifrol for over two weeks and have been putting up with RLS since then. I am trying Self Hypnosis and I think this may be helping. See what happens!

Yikes I was taking 3.75mg Sifrol nightly is that a high dose? What was your highest dose?

don't have to answer that if it's personal.

in reply tokevmolly44

I should say so that it's a hefty dose..

so you quit cold turkey with the Sifrol (pramipexole)

Please say how that happened..

My highest dose is the highest dosage that my doctor

will prescribe for RLS..if that level is reached, then

we must go onto another treatment.. that's the

way that my doctor feels. I've seen people who take

higher doses..How did you feel while taking that dose?

Did you start with self hypnosis? I am most curious

how that is working out for you.. Please keep me

updated. I would love to hear some details about

whatever method you arrive at to free yourself from

Sifrol..Also what country do you reside? I am from

the USA..Wisconsin.. very close to the Great Lake


in reply to

Stress can have a big affect on RLS for some people. I am surprised that your doctor suggested looking at the opposing views of RLS. If he isnt a fan of narcotics or the dopamine meds. maybe he was just fopping you off, sounds as if he didnt know how else to treat you, if he doesnt like those meds. My personal opinion....looking through all that you have been doing, i am sure you will not find the answer. But that is just my opinion. If you think it helps you to do that, hoping you will stumble on something that no one has thought of then we are hear to read what you have found. :)

in reply to

I was an obsessed mad suffering, its an

act of desperation..I do panic when augmentation

pronounces itself. It started doing that for me so I

am pulling back or at least trying to quit with Pramipexole.

I think that you are probably right about nothing being

more up to date than the

although I keep looking out for studies that are happening

all over the world..I have my name in for one coming up

at UW Wisconsin Teaching Hospital. I think that I will

be disqualified because I have RA.. and I am on medicine

to halt the damaging feel and look of RA. = /.

My General Practitioner must see me at least a couple

times a year. He is really the only stick in the mud about

narcotics and Dopamine. He would rather use something

that fixes the problems than something that deals with

the symptoms. He thinks that I should hold out on

going that route. He knows what a little healthy nut

I have been -we pass each other out running sometimes.

As RLS247 said, there is so much stigma around narcotics.

He's afraid that those drugs will change who I am or that

I will overdose.. I wish that I didn't feel a "buzz' ON narcotics

but I do and have to give up driving, decision making because

of it.. I metabolize them more slowly - just like you do.. I

hate that fuzzy, disconnected feeling.

in reply to

Always good to look out for any studies going on. If i come across any i will post them. Usually studies for RLS, you have to be med free of any RLS med that i do know from reading about other people who take part in them. I salute anyone who stops their meds to do those studies, i think i would go nuts without taking mine. If narcotics give you a buzz best not to take them for you. Or only on a desperate measure.

in reply to

I couldn't ever tolerate alcohol either in that way. I would get so loopy after just a little

wine or me, it's just not worth it.

Narcotics do not have a place on the road

in the USA..for my state, it means going to

prison if there is an accident that happens on

the road and someone gets killed.. that's almost automatic.. age 16 and up suffer that

consequence for drinking and driving and any narcotics legal or not..we are always instructed to not take pills and drive or operate

machinery.. random drug tests happen in the work place as well as school.. for them, it constitutes the loss of a job, denial for payment of an accident at work and kids, adults get severely suspended from school.

I think that you have to wait a little while to get behind the wheel.. Wisconsin is set up so each family, almost every driver has their own car to get around in...that is true for almost all states outside of huge cities.. Hardly anyone rides a bus, a train or even carpools over here.

We are a bunch of Car Snobs..I always wonder if that is why diseases like rls and the autoimmune diseases have such a strong presence where I live. Lung cancer shows up and other cancers in my area quite a bit more so than in other areas of the USA or the world.

We used to run leaded gas cars around but that ended a long time ago..maybe it's true

that most don't get enough exercise. .. Most

of the parking lots are much bigger than the buildings that people travel to.. seriously. =)

I am, Elisse, considering dropping my meds completely to enter into a study.. I would have to do a study in the USA.. I can't sit on a plane, nor do I want to be far from my family.. I have to get off all of my medicines first, including that RA drug.

Thank you for helping me again!

in reply to

I dont think RLS has any connection to do with driving in cars rather than getting exercise. :) Leaded petrol is what we used to have before that all got changed. But i dont think its just where you live that the car has taking over from walking anywhere. We all jump into our cars even just to go up the road..!! Altho i have given up my car and driving because either i was too sleep deprived or my meds made me feel not safe anymore on the road.

Good luck if you get picked for the study...i know you will keep us informed...

in reply to

The fumes is what I meant and the lack of exercise is profound here. Most people get in the car to go visit neighbors if it's a two city block walk.. sometimes a good long walk is what it takes to chase away some tension. It's one of the reasons that I run and walk the dogs everyday.

Sleep deprivation is far worse

than any kind of drunk or narcotic induced feeling. I couldn't care for others anymore and make responsible choices for those who were incapable of doing it for themselves so I walked away from the perfect job..Now I freelance and can take many breaks- even nap when I have to. I usually have a 48 hour turn-a-round to get my work in.

in reply to

Ah, ok, but even the fumes would i doubt have a RLS connection. RLS, has been around for centuries, first noted back in the 1600's, no cars around then....people used shanky's pony. lol.

Good to hear you can run...!! I can walk but not run these days...oh yes, i am much much older than you...! :)

in reply to

elisse, If you ever know someone who is newly diagnosed with RA, it's not a life sentence of disfigurement nor is it a death sentence anymore. There are at least a dozen drugs that work to stop it dead in it's tracks or to slow it down. I was one of the very early users of simponi..that is why I am able to run and do everything except kick a ball..or a wall or whatever would impact my leg..but anyway, there are people who have RA that have one single flare and start the medicines to never progress further.. I will be due for a knee replacement much sooner than those who do not do high impact running like I do. To me, it's worth it!!!

It's going to be hard to live without that drug for as long as it takes to get accepted into a

study for rls..but I will. =)

RLS247 profile image

Go to a specialist! I was at a desperate dead-end after the dopamine agonists (mirapex, etc) augmented and made my RLS worse. Opioids are the best thing I've done to control the symptoms. I feel absolutely no "buzz or euphoric" feeling from them as they attack the RLS and takes about 90% of the creepy crawly and burning sensations away. I was very reluctant to go this route because if the stigma about them but I can tell you that for me, it was worth it. Very worth it. It gave me my life back.

in reply toRLS247

My specialist is my Neuro and Rheumatologist.. My Hematologist

and my GP are kind of spacey on RLS..They both think that it's

an attention getting made up thing or else it's a brain dysfunction

that requires antidepressants. My GP is so against narcotics because

he has had to send so many strung out patients to drug rehab..

He watched addiction pull families apart and it can put families

into bankruptcy..all that negative stuff wipes away the good in his

eyes..and dopamine is such a serious drug for Parkinson's Disease,

he doesn't even consider it a RLS treatment.. We each have our

own opinions..I guess.

I am so happy that the Opioids did the trick for you!=)

John Hopkins Hospital is acknowledging that it is working out

as one of the best and hopefully standard treatments. They

published the dosage as well as the preferred Opioids. I do

believe that the dopamine dosage stayed the same and then

the Opioid was added and it stated that this was the treatment

for those who fail to get relief on dopamine and balanced vitamins,

minerals (meaning iron, of course)

I appreciated the time and response! =)

Love your name RLS247..!! Thanks for the reply.

CMACH profile image

I also know from lots of experience, MSG has immediate inflamatory effect on me resulting in RLS and swelling. I have recently started using Dr Axe's Keto, (ancient nutrition) protien powders and found out (the hard way) there is MSG in them.

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