Hi all, ive just started taking tramadol, not for RLS, for artritis pain, and it does say a side effect can be sweating, but i feel like im sitting in a sauna !!! anyone else taking tramadol, and does it do this to you ???
Tramadol: Hi all, ive just started... - Restless Legs Syn...

Tramadol i have tried once, made me violently sick..!! So cant say about the sweating. But, tramadol should help your RLS, it works for alot of people for their RLS.
Elisse, I wish that you could take something like Tramadol..
or that you could try the USA Vicodin..It would bring incredible
relief to your sore leg...
Yikes, i wish i could take pain meds too, but i cant, even co-codamol leaves me too sleepy the next day, even a tiny itsy bitsy dose.
I would cut them in half or even quarters. The relaxation
of the legs is profound. The very best thing that ever
came my way is the USA Vicodin..It rarely made me
sick but I used up my 30 day prescription by day
15..so I quit with it..the other 2 wks were not fun to
be without it..I figured that it was showing signs that
I was going to have a problem ahead of me.
yes Elisse ive seen people say that, but if this sweating is going to continue i wont be taking it, it's very bad
Oh heck, flipping meds, sometimes we just cant win.
It's a fact that pain killers can and will make you sweat... It's quite good
for RLS and general pains.. Im not so sure that I would give it up just
yet. Pain can also make you sweat bullets..Lots of us can tell you that
without a doubt.. Some women have stated that they are so drenched
with sweat that they must get into the cool shower, change the bedding,
whatever you sleep in too..and they could wring their hair out...
I had a theory that it was the pain and inflammation going out of you..
some people with pain actually say that they feel feverish..
I really hope that I do not get into trouble for being brand specific here but
since sweating gets reported with women and men who are on treatments,
POISE makes a cooling toweling.. when you use it on your neck, back,
face, anywhere - it really keeps it cool..tingly also.. I would strongly suggest
that you start with the cooler shower if you are really badly perspiring.. and
then go ahead and treat your skin with the pads from Poise.. They are
pretty inexpensive..I do not know of a single lady who disliked them in my
RA group of 100 people. They are always praising how well they work..
Check the label to see if you are sensitive to any of the ingredients...
Another very cool thing to do to treat yourself is to purchase any witchhazel
and keep it in the fridge so it's very cold.. you can use regular baby wipes
to apply it wherever you need it.. It feels so good even if you have a headache
and use it..Another half great idea for you is to fill a water bottle or an ice bag
with ice cold water..ice if you want to included..and hold that to the back
of your neck..or place it on the top of your head while you sit up straight..
The wrists are a good area to use cold water on...the pulse area will help
to keep you cool..
I know how you feel about a little fan..but for anyone who can stand a tiny fan
to blow on their head or face (next to the bed at level) it keeps you cool and
dry all night long..You can put a bath towel over your pillow where you put
your head down - that will help wick moisture away..
Don't stop drinking water..when you sweat like that, you must replace those
fluids..seems pretty common sense but so many people say "But I only drank
2 cups of water today"
I don't think that you are going to come down with an illness.. I think that those
pills will help you to sleep better and I think that you will feel much less pain..
You can try a lessor dosage.. but usually it takes an entire full dose to get rid
of that pain..If you are taking Advil with it, I would stop that for a day and
see how that goes.
Antidepressants may also make you sweat...just FYI.. Hope something helps.