DLA - Disability Living Allowance - Scleroderma & Ray...

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DLA - Disability Living Allowance

30 Replies

I am curious to find out if anyone in the UK have managed to attain a Disability Living Allowance? I have severe/extreme Raynaud's in my feet, along with hyper sensitivity. If you have applied - were you successful? Or were you refused? Thanks.

30 Replies
Sylvia65 profile image

Everyone who has Raynaud's should apply for Disability Living Allowance because you are entitled to it as Raynaud's is one of the conditions that is recognized as requiring assistance in day to day living. You possibly would only qualify for the lowest rate of allowance....but.....something is better than nothing !! :) Go ahead and apply....nothing to lose and everything to gain and you should be successful.....would be very, very surprised if you weren't !! :) Hope that helps ??? :) Take care !!! :)

in reply to Sylvia65

Thanks so much for your reply, much appreciated. Will update when I know ;) ta.

NickyWickyWoo profile image
NickyWickyWoo in reply to Sylvia65

I applied and they refused me. My friend even backed me up on the application...no joy :(

NickyWickyWoo profile image
NickyWickyWoo in reply to Sylvia65

I was refused DLA for Raynauds. Is there a place where I can see a list of where the condition is recognised as one requiring DLA or anyone that can help me with my application?


in reply to NickyWickyWoo

Hi NickyWickyWoo

CAB (Citizens Advice) filled in the form for me. I also submitted photographs of my feet, loss of toenails, colour, legs with bruising when I fall over and scrapes etc to knees and legs.

My appointment was on the 29th October, they DLA have acknowledged receipt of my application and apparently will take approximately 8 weeks to process.

Pem2017 profile image
Pem2017 in reply to Sylvia65

Hi, I have had Raynalds syndrome for 17 years and I have been struggling at work with it so my question is can I claim Personal Independent Payment even if I am working ?

Thank you in advance

speke profile image
speke in reply to Pem2017

yes pip is a disability allowance / none means tested /none contributory for those under retirement age / no need to even mention if or if not employed / indeed it can enable claimants maintain their employment e.g. the mobility payment can indeed enable you to get to and from work !

being in employment does not disqualify you from this benefit / seek help with form from a welfare rights worker / the cab do have ' some ' experience completing forms.

chillie profile image


I applied for DLA about 12 months ago, when i applied i had sever ulcerated fingers, i also have scleroderma, i was turned down on the grounds that i was able to make and cook my selfe a basic hot meal, i was also turned down for a blue badge.so when you aply be prepared to fill a form in thats as thick as the yellow pages good luck X

in reply to chillie

Thanks Chillie xx

speke profile image
speke in reply to chillie

always appeal / nothing to lose by doing so - the dwp will now prior to appeal initiate a mandatory reconsideration - largely dwp propaganda exercise as 75% maintain original decision - so carry on with appeal - request supportive letters from GP and consultant specialists and see a welfare rights worker approx 70% of PIP appeals a success!

SandraMarie profile image

I was awarded the low-rate care DLA on the grounds that I couldn't always prepare a meal, due to dropping hot water from pans and kettles etc. lack of gripping ability. You really do need to seek out your local disability rights people though. Mine were marvellous, I certainly wouldn't have got that or indeed high-rate mobility DLA without them. They filled out all the forms even went with me to an appeal tribunal. They know all the right things to say etc.Best wishes x

in reply to SandraMarie

Thanks SandraMarie - you do know you are entitled to £130 per annum if you receive DLA? From your electricity supplier? Every little helps.

Lesleym76 profile image
Lesleym76 in reply to

Hi just wondering do you have to apply for the £130 from electricity supplier thanks

NickyWickyWoo profile image

I was refused, even though I am in severe pain in my hands and feet. We should have a right to get this, I feel. We deserve it

in reply to NickyWickyWoo

Totally agree, my mother said to me today, if we got one of them and put barbed wire on their hands or feet and put them in frozen water for a weekend they might understand the pain we go through.

Thank you to all who've replied. It seems to be a mixed system and possibly locations/area within the UK :( I am seeing a person from CAB (Citizens Advice) on the 29th October to assist me in filling out the form. Will keep you all updated as to the outcome. Kind regards.

stevieboy profile image

get your forms from Job centre and when you do them your worst day only .

dont say you get bettter taking this and that dont say you have the odd good day .All bad .

watch every thing you write and how you word it .

in reply to stevieboy

Thanks Stevieboy. CAB filled in all the forms for me. So it's a waiting game now.

fairygoddess83 profile image

hi there peeps, hope you are all as well as can be... my support working appiled for dla for me and i got turned down twice.. lucky for me my support worker was not going to give up... unlike me.. it ended up going to triburenal and i had to sit infront of three pro's.. for about 2-3 hours... and i got awarded middle rate care and low moblity ... all i can say is keep trying and go for a triburenal and just remember to be honest and talk about your self in a bad day... xx

in reply to fairygoddess83

Wow FairyGoddess - that's fantastic.

Well it was CAB who completed the forms on my behalf. So have to wait 8 weeks now for it to be processed.

Page keeps crashing. Thanks - Citizens Advice are filling in the form for me on Monday, so fingers crossed (those who can) :)

sueshellann profile image

I fought for years to get it as I was losing bits of fingers regularly, Yes I agree with others get a professional person to help fill it in with you. They will help you to use the right language to explain yourself. It must be worse day case senario explanation of all symptoms etc. I found the guide lines were always being changed between the 3 levels. Send evidence if you can and always state what you cant do rather than what you can.


I eventually got the higher level as I lost both my legs. I did enjoy filling the form in that time, I wanted to say well refuse me now.!! Good luck

in reply to sueshellann

Oh my word that's awful, love the last bit about the "refuse me now"! . Well last August 2011 I did actually ask for my feet to be amputated. Still waiting on the outcome regarding DLA - CAB were fantastic filling in the form. So I hope something comes of it. Thank you.

Meggieanne profile image
Meggieanne in reply to sueshellann

Have u actually got Raynaud's or have u got scleriderma?

Meggieanne profile image
Meggieanne in reply to sueshellann

Hi there, have u got Raynaud's or have u got scleriderma

daniella profile image

Hi Cardifflady, I have just been awarded DLA at the lower rate and I have primary Raynauds. I hope your outcome is good news for you, as it sounds to me that you really need that extra help too. Good Luck and best wishes.

Well a decision was made after 12 weeks from the DLA. It is perfectly normal to have to crawl as a mode of getting about. Yes crawl to the bathroom, crawl to the kitchen, crawl into your lounge and wow the bonus - crawl into the kitchen and prepare your meal from a seated position on the floor. So having had the form filled/completed by Citizens Advice, providing 30+ photographs showing evidence of not only my feet, bruises to my knees, legs from falling over getting up from a chair etc...

Also the evidence from a Vascular Surgeon "consultant" that I have on numerous occasions asked for both feet to be amputated since August 2011.

Waiting on over 70+ weeks to see an Occupational Therapist. 43 weeks to see a Rheumatologist.

I cannot go out as my body goes into shock, I cannot walk, so wonder why I am bothering.... My terminally ill (cancer) mother does so much for me and she wont be here for long, then I am totally 'buggered' excuse the language.

alwaysfreezing profile image

i got incapacity for 3 months then was told my partner had to work more hours i had to give up my job because of my illness and got no support i didnt want the benefits i wanted to get back to work 9 years later still finding it hard to get into employment its been very tough at times let me know as i dont know about any benefits its been so long its not about just cold hands there are other issues with raynauds that go with the illness good luck

Hi everyone, I got back in touch with Citizen's Advice and the person who completed the form £25 per visit for taxi's there and back. He was totally amazed I didn't even get a lower amount. He filled in a basic form on my behalf to appeal it. So who knows. I'm now getting meals delivered to me daily (hot meals) and also paying for an alarm system almost like sheltered housing as I fall over so many times and my mother can no longer help and my family live either Canada, Ireland or London. I'm trying to save enough money to purchase a wheelchair as it's been 81 weeks now since my request to Occupational Therapist - my GP checked and it was the 6th July 2011 that they wrote to them.

Margo274 profile image

Read up on fightback fb page they have lots of guides and advice 95% s/rate and they can help u fill in forms got to interview might also get it under fight4justice

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